
I'm against it because Paul Feig is the fucking Wal-Mart of comedy.

I'm in the same boat. We shouldn't be dividing people between "white" and "colour". We're not bloody laundry.

Lip and Mandy. Jeez. I don't really have any comments for it other than to say that it's a shame she chose to accept an abusive relationship over her dignity. I understand why. Having no sense of self worth can convince anybody to see themselves as barely sentient puddles of flesh. Didn't make it any less

Shameless has some of the blackest comedy currently on television. It may not be pablum like Modern Family, but that shouldn't disqualify it from the category.

Taking advantage of a drunk person is scummy as fuck no matter who it happens to or how it happens.

Don't get me wrong; I love the children's books I grew up with, Seuss included. However the slipshod artwork seems to be the least of things to get concerned about.

I wonder if anyone's considered that children's books are drawn by amateur artists who aren't that good at drawing.

It's Beyonce. She can do whatever the fuck she wants and people will go with it.

Appreciate the link, duder.

You know what'd be great? It'd be great if these trailer posts actually posted trailers that the international audience could see. That'd be swell. Real swell.

Heh. I think there's more to Luther than that, but I take your point.

Oh joy. Can't wait to see what Luther looks like without everything that made it a great show.

I think Mark Millar went a little far in his version of Cap, but the idea of a man stuck outside his own time and having trouble adjusting to how radically the culture has changed since the 40s is a good concept. I think focusing more on that alienation, and the idea that "his" country was gone would've served the

I almost wish there wasn't any continuity. I'm interested in stories, and a consistent history isn't necessary for Court of Owls and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth to co-exist. I think if DC and Marvel focused more on a "soft" continuity instead of this rigid, dogmatic beast they currently employ,

Actually, this move could go a long way toward fixing that problem. The Ultimates line of comics—while not always great—certainly kept death sacred. If people died in the Ultimates books, they stayed dead. End of discussion.

Isn't what they did, essentially? All of the EU work is "non-canon" now, as well as the video games various tie ins.

That's a great question. Considering all the big money is tied up in film franchises (and usually of the cape and spandex variety), I have to wonder how the more "serious" actors feel about things.

There really was an obscene amount of porn in the woods, weren't there?

As a well worn traveler to the darker corners of the Internet; no. This is a new thing.

I hear you. I'm struggling to think of any angle to interpret Crystal's commentary as anything but a shrug and an "eh, I could do without, but whatever".