Old Hawk Bill

Plus un.

I would have died. Like very calmly shut my entire sensory apparatus off, then cheerfully ceased to live. My skin is crawling just reading this.

I think the solution is telecommuting, not lane splitting/flying Ubers/electric cars/public transit.

This is exactly how autonomous cars should be. Turn it on as you enter the freeway or congested city streets, turn it off when you are out of traffic. Best of both worlds. I hope we get there soon. The technology is moving forward, but I think people’s fear will prompt regulatory controls that end up putting the

You’re not familiar with the progression. First, the current regime is replaced with a tyrant. THEN the tyrant is overthrown. They never got past part one, primarily because the tyrant typically isn’t afraid to oppress the working class with the military. The Qing Dynasty and the Romanovs don’t count, they were merely

I got a lot of hate for writing a similar critique of a punch on Jezebel, but the punching afficionado in me has to note that these are some powerful fucking strikes. Holy shit, Lee’s feet aren’t in anything like a strong set stance, and he has minimal pull-back on his left arm, which seems to just sort of dangle

Generally I’d agree with you 100%. But interestingly, the Nurburgring itself says you should get out, set up your triangle, and warn people who come up behind you.

Okay, some further editorial.

Loot crates have always been a moral issue that the industry (publishers, devs, journalists, influencers, and whoever else) has mostly ignore or dismissed and that’s incredibly screwed up. Even cosmetic focused crates, which don’t affect gameplay, use specific audio/visual cues and

knock on wood, i don’t think i’ve run into anything at all that impacted my life.

i just tried this and works fine. i checked and i have 11.2.

I think one major asset (as well as liability) of the Internet and an increasingly interconnected society (even if those connections are virtual) is that communities can spring up anywhere like-minded people are able to congregate, physically or intellectually. I played sports growing up, but the vast majority of my

And they didn’t put back to port and get a new one!? Why?

I’ve heard of these. It’s a homing falcon.

The biggest WTF about the story is that they had all the other preparations done right, but only had one phone for communication. If they’d invested as much effort into their electronics as their food supply, they’d have been rescued within hours of their accident.

The defender that nearly chases him down (in large part because the goalie tried to take him out) would seem to have some fleet feet as well. Around the :05 mark of the video he’s a good 15+ yards behind.

Sounds pretty reasonable. I love that iPhones get updates for longer, have nicer apps (generally), and have better hardware-software integration, but I just prefer the way Android works so much more that I can deal with the the negatives. Both OS’s have pros and cons, and it’s up to you to choose which works best

Columbus resident here. I say let them leave. Fuck publicly financing a downtown stadium. There aren’t that many people who live in downtown Columbus, and our city’s public transit system is shit, so most people are still gonna have to drive to games anyway. The city is already starting to deal with blowback from

“But I’m starting to think the system might not be totally fair to MY black people”

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.