Old Hawk Bill

Not at all. Delta is the shit right now. Free meals cross country, free booze if there’s a delay, a shitload of free movies on their screens, good legroom, happy flight crews. Now add “gets you off the island before the big storm hits” to that list.

Yeah just to be clear everyone I was definitely not on the flight and made that up. Critical thinking is as important as ever now that we are battling #fakenews.

Yeah no kidding, I TK’d someone every round he used doc because he was glitching. and he finally Tk’d me and goes “FINALLY NOW I CAN DOC GLITCH” and another teammate killed him. it was amazing.

You’re welcome.

Oh nice, you got the reference. Congrats to you.

Florida State doesn’t have any players as old as that joke.

This’ll probably get them way more sales than they would’ve otherwise gotten, thanks to the exposure and the suddenly-gone barrier to entry.

Is sexism is why a white female comedian was paid less than two black male comedians who have been doing the same job 2x-3x as long? What about Bill Burr and Joe Rogan, they’re both white men but I highly doubt either got close to 11 million much less 20 million for their netflix specials...is that sexist or racist?

The social under-currents that cause this should be addressed, but I suspect she’s not as popular as either Rock or Chappelle. Inside Amy Schumer never had the rating Chappelle show did, and I’m guessing her live performances never had the draws Rock’s did.

Once they’ve launched their new vertical Cumpete

How much longer until Deadspin starts covering eScorts?

They are Autometer gauges from the factory. Oil pressure and voltmeter

Not specific to this article, but what makes people leave out obvious words?

Racism and assholes are not specific to a single color. I hate to tell you that. I have been called the N word by white, black, Hispanic, Asian men and women. And I’m a white guy. I have also been called the F word ( I’m straight ) far more by the African American community and Hispanic community. Stop trying to make

Lately I’ve actually been getting spam messages from freshly made accounts on Live. It’s weird because it has never happened to me before.

One hardly knows where to begin.

I'd call it "The Flying Kevorkian"

A Killinder, perhaps?