
Looks like MacGyver got stung by a bee and forgot his epipen.

I’m sick of that segment of the population that feels entitled to demand someone state their political beliefs.

No no. Brady already “spewed” (god this euphemism is awful) his political beliefs when he displayed the hat and later expressed his support for his friend Trump. Now that Trump is actually having an effect on things Brady wants to play dumb and pretend he doesn’t know what’s going on.

Yes, he publicly supported him 16 months ago. Now it’s clear he’s trying to distance himself, because he’s a football player and not a social activist.

Yet you demand Brady “spew” his because you want to criticize him.

Tom Brady doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. You’re a big boy too!

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

Mark Wahlberg just posted his bail

If Montreal got the Expos back it would certainly not become Canada’s team. Fuck those separatist pricks.

“And just like that, the HEAT are back on top of the basketball world.”

I really don’t see what’s so bad about having a bunch of super studly Star Wars fans telling you how often they knuckled up thinking about you.

Hey how about shut the hell up with spoilers

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

But they’ve been doing it all season, so I guess we’re the last ones to get the middle finger.

It’s good to see that a league that allows this to be on the field is so concerned about the fashion sense its players exhibit.

I’m pretty sure Gay Island always glows.

I don’t have time for this.

Fuck CNN