
What the fuck white people.

Yes, you’re right. It definitely is not a sports entertainment promotion featuring musclebound men wearing sparkly spandex costumes slamming each other around for spectacle. It’s some whole other, more serious thing.

This is an NFL story. What’s a union?

Fuck the police

If I’m not mistaken, playing anthems before sporting events started in WWII to double-down on nationalism. Not that it’s likely in the current climate, but a REALLY EASY way to de-politicize sports would be to not play a fucking national anthem before every event.

He could be a heel about it and choose to not toe the line.

Kobe was also capable of rape.

I actually have a solution. Birds could stop flying full speed into walls like idiots!

The Colts responded to the accusations by saying “we are investigating the situation, until then this is all just Irsay”

Like owner like player.

Well Golfcartgate seems like both a good name and just a summary of the narrative.

Really laying it on thick with the whole ‘SHAME THE LEFT’ theme here.

I got violent on weed once. Wrote an internet comment in all caps.

How can someone this stupid understand the complexity of an NFL offense?

No. I used them to lube up your mom’s vagina.

However you didn’t mind getting a 4 year free ride at UVA, founded by a slave owner.

Man, you guys are obsessed with Brady

Make fun of him all you want but I don’t see anyone else fucking Melania.

Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now