
Well, just skimming some of that after watching the video ruined my night.

There’s no way he’s crying that much out of sadness, which sucks for his neurological future.


Whoa! A “hot take” comment! Winter’s coming, buddy, feel free to warm your hands around it.

Only on Deadspin will you see writers making fun of Tim Tebow for hitting a game-winning single in a professional league while, at the same time, writing 10,000-word columns lauding a Pakistani team as heroes for getting the shit kicked out of them by such baseball powerhouses as Brazil and Great Britain in the World

The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

Fucking learn to read, I’m obviously a dick.

This is the most horrifying turn of events conceivable

In case this is your first trip here, this website isn’t exactly subtle about hiding it’s rightful hatred of that particular candidate, so... you shouldn’t be surprised.

The anger/conceit in the wake of your comment is hilarious. Will be coming back for more laughs but wanted to thank you sincerely for posting the impetus for my entertainment.

If this happened in Trump’s circle he’d probably be the one sending the dong pics.

What would the tenor of this post be like if it was a Republican in Trump’s pathetic circle sending dong pics which led to an investigation of Trump’s business dealings?

In what world is that a fumble instead of truly garbage broken throw?

Yup, we're guilty too.

You're not wrong, but it was this very site who called Peverley "The most Hockey dude ever" on Monday evening. Isn't this contributing to the "hockey tough" BS?