Oldest of Men

The Oh Hello boys were on fire tonight, particularly their second scene, I dont think I've laughed so hard at them before. Also the overly agressive returning of the serve by the host in loosers bracket just craked me up too.

Yep, that brings me to my fav. In the beer baron episode when marge catches him with the bowling balls filled with alcahol: "homer! What are you doing?" Homer: "I'm not going to lie to you Marge" and he just keeps walking. Cracks me up every time.

Being boring here - it actually does exist, it's called Soylent. Not that you'd catch me eating/drinking it. I love food waaaay too much.

Then hush!

Eyes up here Peralta.

Sirens getting a second season is the only thing giving me hope at the moment.

Yeah, not a huge fan of episodes like that to finish on so for me it would be a bummer for the show to go out on an episode like that - but it does look like thats the story they were going for (did like the first of the two eps though). Any ideas on when we hear of the fate of a second season (although it's not…

Objecton, your face did it!

Yeah. Now you say it, completely reminds me of enlisted even Trent has a heart now. My god, think about it. Even some of the character types match up. I need my tinfoil hat as there's clearly a conspiracy in there somewhere.

Yes,that is clearly the top of the pile for me. Also: "it's never too late to stop being a dick." Thats some quality life advice right there

The manner in which Bamford said laissez-faire was highly amusing to me.

"What makes I you think I'm a DA? 'Cause you're not dressed like a substitute teacher on his way to sign divorce papers." Just one of many quotable lines in the first episode. Really liked it and Bamford killed as well. Also, Jim rash in the second = awesome (is there anything this guy can't do)?

I see your point but I think if she'd said no I was just trying to win a bet it may not have gone down too well.

Totally agree on the Cosby thing and yeah, I found the gambling thing odd too. I get the feeling these episodes are being shown way out of order because the continuity has been odd throughout the season.

Not as laugh out loud funny but a solid episode. Good to see we're getting some of the other parts fleshed out. And yes, I know I've got the poorly timed giggles before, but that is some unfortunate nervous twitch for a lawyer to have.

I prefer the "hot damn" outburst from a few weeks ago, but this was still quite amusing.

"What does it say about me though that the only other person who gets me is batshit crazy?" - This line was both hilarious and may have hit a little too close to home.

Onion ring attack!

Last weeks ep made me angry enough, I don't know if I can watch this weeks without ruining how I feel about West Wing, so i'm hiding here instead.

So did I. It reminded me so much of something Jack from 30 Rock would have thought (I may have binge watched season 7 again over the weekend….. I miss 30 Rock)