Oldest of Men

Definitely have to disagree with you on that one. This is the third or fourth time The Dollpp and Drunk History have covered a subject and while I really like Drunk History, definitely feel that The Dollop covers these stories (and provides better context to why they happened). Could be due to the time allotted

These guys have produced some outstanding comedy in Australia for decades. This however, does not seem to be of that caliber. It is only the first episode and it might improve but wow, it's pretty bad. I'm struggling to think of a show that has worse animation than this.

Yeah looks like it, good catch

Favourite background joke this week, Jared having a box marked "Sunday clothes" under his fold out cot. Love this show.

I love this podcast and highly recommend it to anyone. It's amazing how as a species we keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

As a massive fan of both The Prodigy and Sunny, that mash up was quite amusing.

It's a big blue watery road….

I may have laughed rather hard at that point. Best part of the episode for me.

Well apart from the gang gets analysed, I wasn't the biggest fan of that season so here's hoping.

I'm almost certain I'll be wrong (I usually am), but is this season going to be full of sequals and callbacks? It'll be interesting to see if it is and if they can pull it off. The quality 11 seasons in is remarkable.

Poor Egar always getting shut down when he starts talking about his war brain.

Not just Pete, weak Pete and Taco (and his I don't understand how they think its still funny EBDB) storylines. Hopefully Jenny loosing her shit means the end of Taco's stupid businesses. Although, this is The League….

You name it, there's someone somewhere on Reddit saying its the worst thing since Hitler.

Technically this is a new review.

Also, it's already showing just how much Kroll was missed for most of last year.

Yeah that acually wasn't that bad at all, especially for the league. Rafi nailing it as usual.

Yep same here. Still haven't seen season 4 let alone season five all the way down here on TV (at least from what I could find), really hoping no issues with six on Yahoo.

Wow, that was amazing. I didn't find the ending abrupt in any way. For me, the whole ep was just about charlie work and not being recognised at all for his work. As the inspecton was done (then the payoff for the outstanding stool joke he also did not get credit for), episode over. Solid A for me.

Solid episode. I loved how he could make space in the car for his table tennis paddle but not the dossier. It's the little things.

Yeah, I don't think I've said "it's him" so quickly when figuring out the enemy of the week before.