Oldest of Men

I Think this year we've been a bit spoiled with some shows that have been great right out of the gate (Still can't belive that was the first season of Review and of course, Rick and Morty). Yeah this show isn't great yet but solid cast and hopefully they start fleshing out the rest of them soon because this could be

I don't know what is more frustrating, it took this long for this show to come up with an episode like this or that there's only 4 to go.

By no means was i saying hes the best thing on TV, there is much tv this year that is well above the standard of what Newsroom is (Review anyone)? he is at best middling now (I do agree though that early west wing was outstanding), I just don't get all the hate. The guy shoots for the moon and probably misses more

Wow, from some of the comments on here you'd think that The Newsroom was worse than I want to Marry Harry. While it's not the best thing on television, it is by far not the worst. I do like Sorkin, even for all of his failings. Looking at the choices of the many shows available on tv at this very moment, i'd probably

I wouldn't say it's the worst episode ever, but just another episode really. When taco actually joined in on the pussy gag and stopped talking about the EBDB (Pleeease retire this storyline), he was actually tolerable. This show is sorely missing Kroll.