Dean’s drive was over-shadowed by the much better known “Jan and Dean” drive, which was used to propel little old ladies from Pasadena. Probably on their way to JPL.
Dean’s drive was over-shadowed by the much better known “Jan and Dean” drive, which was used to propel little old ladies from Pasadena. Probably on their way to JPL.
Texas is a jurisdiction in Cyrodiil?
Now he’s telling angels that’s a lovely dress they have on. (sniff)
I’m no lawyer, but this might meet the letter of the child support decree, but I’m pretty sure it’s not in the spirit of the child support decree!
“threw dummies with parachutes out of airplanes” is a pretty harsh description of the job of “Jumpmaster”.
Hollyweird an there librul agenda agin!
Is this more proof that the media is biased against conservatives? I can’t tell anymore.
Book ‘em, Danno.
So now I can cancel my order at Tom Nook’s store!
I heard he was dead!
Stealing toilets (and anything else not securely nailed down) is a Russian military tradition!
They used underwater coral-burning stoves, which we now know is unsustainable, despite what certain politicians promise to coral country voters.
The problem is simple. Most wagon owners have died of dysentery.
6. Gotta employ my friends
If you are really good at [X], wouldn’t you be out making money doing [X] instead of selling seminars on how to do [X]? And if your seminars actually worked, you’d just be making more competition for yourself!
A very large number of refrigerator doors welded together.
Unfortunately, I always buy used because why should I pay a premium to debug a new car? Recessions drive up the price of used cars.
The confusing part to me is that although supposedly the majority of voters are now against Brexit, the voters keep returning the party of Brexit to power.