
Musk doesn’t have $170 billion. Yes, he’s filthy rich, but come on here, he doesn’t have $170 billion. When you guys say shit like this, it undercuts your argument. It comes off as you being disingenuous, so what other things are you being disingenuous about that I might not realize?

I sympathize with his mental health struggles, truly, I do. However, if you are very sensitive to opinions about your work and life, maybe being a famous stand-up comedian who publicly dates very famous women is not the right life for you.

Unfortunately I’ll be unable to watch as Alex Roy is the ultimate (or perhaps the Apex) in insufferable douchebaggery and there’s no way I could stomach 90+ minutes of him.

Saddest part about rolling that car is putting those hideous wheels at eye level.

I think Mission Winnow’s actual mission is to see how many words they can write without actually saying anything.

Friendly and obligatory reminder that RetroPie exists and is objectively the superior choice to these lazy cash-grab “classic” consoles in pretty much every way:

It’s S54 btw.

I could totally see liking it better with it off entirely. I’m one of those weirdos who tends to play PC games with motion blur/chromatic aberration/etc turned on, but turning it off makes the game look cleaner and sharper, and def not “worse” or anything.

Skyrim: Fruit Ninja Edition

Carmax buys from big auction houses just like everyone else. They really don’t have access to a magical higher tier of used cars than any other dealer. Up here in the Northeast, I’ve driven a few Carmax vehicles (mostly Explorers, larger SUV’s) and they all seemed clean on initial inspection, but a harder look

Am I the only one disappointed by a lack of references to Doug Demuro?

Apple attempts to repress any app where you can purchase or use any digital content that doesn’t go through their app store. It’s why you can’t order Kindle books in the Amazon app and you can’t order Audiobooks in Audible. If they decide you might be able to purchase something they feel they should get a cut of, it’s

The series is an okay but hacky fantasy series that really leaned into a lot of modern fantasy tropes. I found it generally flat and predictable. It really reads like it was churned out quickly.

One down! How many more to

NBCs F1 coverage was amazing compared to what ESPN just gave us.

The reality is that the coverage on ESPN was never going to be good. Technical issues during pre-race aside, trying to broadcast F1 on ESPN by simulcasting from SkySports, who themselves do not broadcast commercials, is going to lead to misses in action due to commercials. NBC got around this by having their own

Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.

Transverse mounted hellcat V8?

I hope Dune is good. The thing with both Arrival and Blade Runner is that they both had a dreamlike feel to them. The dialogue was sparse, and much of the world-building happened in the mise en scene, or in the things not said. For a world close to ours, like Arrival, or for one that’s not too hard to imagine, like