

And just think, by 2030 all of those will be electric cars... slowly losing range inch by inch until they eventually run out of power due to running the radio, HVAC and headlights.

I got an iPhone8 on release day and from the get-go the OS has been shit. It’s glitchy, slow, stuttery and it’s obnoxious. For the first two weeks it would randomly lock up and I’d have to hard boot it (thankfully this was corrected by one of the few patch updates). This will be my 4th different iPhone generation and

On the other, I wasn’t thrilled with how Skinner’s character was portrayed. His hatred of import cars and undying love for fat-displacement V8s felt very heavy-handed and stereotypical. Perhaps this was funny for a non-American audience, but for me it felt tired and stale. Like, “Oh, look, here’s a twangy American

The problem wasn’t necessarily that Edd was leaving. It was WHY Edd left. If the show has maintained its original format and we’re still going to see detailed technical explanations and craftsmanship, then it’ll still be great so long as the guy doing it knows what he’s doing.

Fuck this guy. Who starts chants for themselves?

I cannot believe this right now; an absolute gentleman of the sport and a huge inspiration to myself to get in to motorcycle racing. RIP & deepest condolences to his family, fiance, and millions of friends & fans across the world.


“The camera delivers more than 30 snapshots every second – faster than a cinema projector.”

Old cars duking it out is better than F1 and NASCAR.

Someone specced one in a gorgeous dark green. Hnnnnggggggg....

Honestly I always thought the series I was kind of ugly. It’s all about dat series II:

I’m actually in the camp that thinks the Exige (the car mentioned in the article) looks better than any generation of Elise. The Evora is boring, but the Elise has always been a bit... goofy-looking. Even with that Gulf livery.

Seriously unfair. Vettel wouldn’t have even been in position to break that week old rule if it weren’t for Verstappen’s bullshit maneuver.

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

I think it’s fine. The rich should not have better access to justice than the poor and middle class.

That interior is pure alcanterrorism.

Jay’s lucky he didn’t lose an arm.