All of these are MUCH funnier if you imagine him saying them in the voice of the pool boy from legally blonde. I can’t help but think that he’s next going to accuse the Post writers of wearing last-season Ferragamo shoes...
All of these are MUCH funnier if you imagine him saying them in the voice of the pool boy from legally blonde. I can’t help but think that he’s next going to accuse the Post writers of wearing last-season Ferragamo shoes...
This reminds me, in addition to my organic anal beads, it looks like my dildo garden is almost ready for its first harvest of the year! #blessed
Calling it Snctm makes it sound like that lame fucking sex club Tom Cruise donned a mask for in Eyes Wide Shut. I guess I’m old-fashioned because I want my sex theatre to be called RamRod or TightHoles or something. I want vowels and exciting rectal metaphors.
I really like this, because I’ve also seen the concept creep going on regarding bullying (no, making fun of a bigot isn’t bullying the bigot), and I also see a lot of power in breaking down when and why internet hate and harassment is distinct from bullying (or ‘cyberbullying’ which is just the same thing but with a…
Nope. I refuse to go back and re-read that. Because “Hook” is wonderful. So there.
I dislike this thread. I actually think the trailer is super funny. Will go on youtube right now and vote for it
I'm kind of ashamed to admit I've never heard of the Invictus (awesome poem. Good movie.) Games. The whole thing sounds awesome! The games, the purpose, the good natured shit talking. It's sweet and kinda helps me get my head out of the oven about trump, Cruz, the newest police brutality report, the transphobic…
i agree. but this guy was in his mid 20s when they met and thats why i find it kind of weird.
I wonder if it also has to do with the differences between the current and past issues faced by people of color in other countries - like, NCIS could essentially take place under the auspices of any government with a navy, but shows about black people produced by American studios are, necessarily, about what it means…
If you didn’t WANT professors to stare at your boobs, then you shoulda got a double mastectomy or called him out on it by gouging out his eyes with a rusty spoon, you tease! I’m sick of women complaining about these easily-fixed situations and not sticking up for themselves!
“That’s not my dad! That’s a CELL PHONE”
I love the Lonely Island SO MUCH. The absurdity of Threw it on the Ground makes me laugh out loud every time, and I sing it on the reg to my food and toy throwing infant.
See, I had a completely different reaction the first time I ever saw a beluga in an aquarium. I still remember how sad they looked. You could see the loneliness in their eyes. I didn’t want to leave because of it.
When I was little and I leaned that their fin flops over in captivity, that was enough for me to know that it was horrible. I think I may have cried bc I thought they had a floppy fin bc they were sad and I didn't want them to be sad.
My mom was very anti-sea world. I hated her for it until I saw free Willy and bawled my fucking eyes out