Don’t worry, it gets better. Over dinner last night my SO and I were arguing over who had the best poos that day.
Don’t worry, it gets better. Over dinner last night my SO and I were arguing over who had the best poos that day.
I used to work in a position that required me to interact with a lot of people in a short amount of time. My poor name-hating brain couldn’t keep up, so I just started addressing people as sir, ma’am, or miss. Saying “Sir, you have to sign in” rather than “Hey, you, with the shirt, you need to sign in” seemed the most…
Channel 4 is separate from the BBC. There are 3 main sources of TV in the UK. BBC is the main public broadcasting one. Because it is publicly funded it has no commercials. ITV and Channel 4 are funded by commercials but must broadcast things in “the public interest.” Think of it a bit like if the main channels in the…
I’m a fan of this. If you want to wear a skirt, then wear that goddamn skirt regardless of gender or how feminine you feel. If the Scots can do it, so can Jaden Smith. I like how they didn’t try and make Jaden seem more fem.
I don’t think you could do that from a legal point of view. If you have a legal document saying what you want done with your property after death, then I think making it legal for the government to seize it after your death opens a can of worms. Also problematic if you die middle aged and a have spouse, young kids, or…
How much of the racial divide is due to economic inequality? A larger proportion of older white adults are well off than their black or hispanic peers. If you have the money to help your kids out, then you have the money. If you don’t, then you don’t.
I don’t understand the appeal of this shit. Last I checked, my possession of a vagina didn’t make me a magical fairy creature that rendered me immune to normal human interaction. There’s no secret password to understanding women - it’s not like we’re space aliens or anything.
I don’t mind Christmas in November but Christmas started in September. It hasn’t ramped up to full speed till now, but even the petrol station started selling Christmas stuff in September. I may be an American living in the UK, but I don’t think anyone would disagree that selling mince pies in September is too soon.
I live in the UK. There is no Thanksgiving to fend off Christmas. Even Halloween is just a meer blip in the holiday radar. CHRISTMAS STUFF HAS BEEN ON SALE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER.
I’ve had similar issues of waking up because someone was watching me when going through difficult emotional times. Lived on the third floor, knew there was no chance someone was at my window, woke up knowing someone was there anyways. I never saw anything but I was too scared to look. However, I’m certain it was…
The Jews having horns is actually the result of a mistranslation. In translating the OT, the passage where Moses descended from Mount Sinai after speaking to God was translated as stating that Moses had a “horned” face. Modern translations using shining instead of horned. Medieval art took that translation and ran…
FYI the Light Princess is inspired by a short story by the same name by George MacDonald. Sort of like sleeping beauty, an offended fairy curses a princess to always be light - so she floats and has no sense of emotional gravity. She has an odd relationship with water which ultimately ends up in the evil fairy causing…
I’m an ex homeschooled gifted kid! There are a huge number of online gifted resources as I’ve recommended above. There will be internet boards specific to your geographic area. Johns Hopkins University does summer classes, Stanford University has a online high school up and running, and their classes are available to…
I’m not sure about for kindergarten, as most of these resources came out when I was in high school. However, check out homeschool gifted sites as they are good sources of secular resources. Even if you don’t think your son is “gifted” it can be a good source for information. Try sites like http://giftedhomeschoolers.or…
Former homeschooled kid lurking in the greys! I agree that public/private school is generally better for socializing and identifying learning disability issues. HOWEVER as someone who grew up in a rural area with horrible public and private schools, homeschooling was the best choice. Schools in my area were well known…