How do they keep winning if they’re cheating? I mean, explain that to me. Cheating means someone loses. They are so good, that they win even when they cheat. You’re all jealous of this team.
How do they keep winning if they’re cheating? I mean, explain that to me. Cheating means someone loses. They are so good, that they win even when they cheat. You’re all jealous of this team.
Thank you for being the only one to actually answer my question. I wasn't trying to score political points or gotcha! stuff, just asking because I wanted to know. Again, thanks.
Yes, a bunch.
The issue would be if you think the bones could be significantly older than the range of radiocarbon (pushing 150k, more like 100k), then radiocarbon cannot distinguish. You end up with so few of the heavy atoms that the signal is washed out by noise.
The original assertion still doesn’t make sense. Just because something isn’t widespread doesn’t mean it isn’t considered highly attractive - it just means its absence doesn’t usually prevent people from having kids. Natural selection doesn’t optimize - it just weeds out stuff that can’t get by.
Btw if you re-read your post, all its filled with is you trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about by using a vocabulary in conjunction with your inability to actually know what you’re talking about. Scientifically speaking “Idiots are more likely to sound X”; let X be how much pretentious bullshit they…
4.3 MegaEthics (ME) per second.
God bless Pat Tomasulo.
IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.
“...that her parents can read with happiness.” That’s loaded. Implying I have a short attention span is below you.
I know you have two folks who disagree, but I'm with you. I think that this allowed me to really focus on her contribution and her life as opposed to her death.
I didn’t know Dennis Miller Kinja’d
“Any police officer especially would have reacted in the exact same way I reacted”
I like to buy Kiwi brand knives from my local Asian Market. They are good enough and dirt cheap. They aren’t a permanent solution, they require frequent re-sharpening, but they’ll get knives in your hand at low cost and help you decide what kinda knives you actually want.
Friend’s dog died today :/
Yes, although Revolution's porter just contains a hint of ashes from some poor guy named Eugene.
Fistmas was rough. Anti-Hero is amazing. I generally don't like IPA's, but Anti-Hero is my favorite beer, period.
That's too bad on your porter front. Try Smuttynose robust porter if you can or foolproof rain cloud. Both are delicious and don't taste like dog ashes.
"IT - The Terror from Beyond Space" would like a word with you... :D