
At the VERY least he needs to fix the PSLF program. That program was specifically created by the Obama administration to get training and education for people wanting to go into the public sector (non-profits, public defenders, arts workers etc..) without the burden of crushing student loan debt. Students were told if

Loved him as the henpecked husband of the big mouth who gets hers in Creepshow. And they teamed up again The Fog as well.

I have sympathy for the directors who’ve lost control of how their artistic work is experienced, but two points: (1) welcome to the club, that’s the experience of everyone else in film production who isn’t the director, and (2) it’s the studio’s money that financed these films, and they are the ones have the most to

It absolutely is, and the fact that people don't understand this is maddening.

I really did wait all the way to mid-2018 to switch from PS3 to PS4, so there are probably some people actually still holding out.

I would say the nine and a half episodes that preceeded the horrific ending are still worth the watch. That last half hour though, fuckin' WOOF.

Thats a shark song

L glass is about durability, not image quality.

L glass is about durability, not image quality.

And that’s why I’m once again grateful to live in Chicago where my daughter gets free hot breakfast and lunch every day no matter what our income.  I’d much prefer my taxes go to feed children and end the stigma of “needing the free lunch” than spending my hard earned cash on more Cop Academies in impoverished

Man, having my nostalgias fondled for ten seconds would have TOTALLY made up for that character with Tourette syndrome used as a comedic device, or that scene with Olivia Munn chasing the Predator with a PVC pipe blow dart gun, or Sam Worthington’s terrible last line about hoping the alien technology Predator Hunter

yeah, i mean, he’s only been exposed to english since WWII. and discusses topics such as cosmology and neuroscience in english. but, clearly, he didn’t actually mean attractive.

Wow, Christmas came early this year.

Twitch banning aside, what he did is a crime in California (filming/photogrpahing people in a public bathroom is a criminal offense). Wondering why he hasn’t been charged with a crime - or if he has, why nobody is talking about the fact he committed A CRIME.

Wow, she is an inspiration and it fucking sucks she lost her battle. I lost my husband to cancer 15 weeks ago tomorrow. It’s an exceptionally cruel disease. Fuck cancer, fuck it so much.

Up, up, down, down, in, out, in, out, fuck Konami, start.

I got a ‘Double Ds’ notification for this?

Jesus. There is some hot shit spewing from every spore of both this article (I luv u Drew, but your music taste is as subtle as a cement block) and the comment section (lots of people really wanting to make sure we know they listen to Black Flag for some reason?), but the last person that is worthy of anyone’s scorn

He even made the execrable “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank” somewhat watchable.

He was and is sorely missed tbh.

If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.