old Shuck ate bob_d

Good gods, whyyyyyy? 

To be fair, sometimes correlations are complex and not obvious nor revealed by superficial research, and other factors can mask impacts. Ok, this isn’t one of those times, and there’s no connection between video games and violence, but...

The video game correlation with shooters exists but is meaninglessly absurd - most mass shooters are young men, young men play video games, many of those games are violent. It’s like saying, “Hey look what these shooters had in common - they all watched television!” (When 99% of American households have televisions.)

Did they actually invite anyone else (who could make it)? The White House announced the meeting, then invited game industry people at the last minute. I’m not sure if anyone declined or just couldn’t make it.

“they thought the other side were the ones who wanted to censor video games”

Of course we can predict what will happen, based on all similar events:

I don’t think the alcohol is mixing well with his anti-depressants, either.

It’s the usual Trump modus operandi - starting from a position of complete, total ignorance, he says what he thinks will resonate with his base, even though it’s completely impossible to achieve. (Being totally ignorant, he doesn’t know that, nor care.) Then, thinking that he can convince everyone that he actually

“Trade wars are good, and easy to win,” the president tweeted today.

Yeah, there’s something like 140K steelworkers vs. 6.5 million that rely on steel. (The disparity is even worse with aluminum.) That doesn’t even count those who indirectly rely on imports, e.g. the beer companies that just announced there would be layoffs if aluminum (and therefore can) prices went up.

“you just >know< he has at some point asked if we can just declare bankruptcy on the trade imbalance.”


From his response, it certainly sounds like the comics characters are safe for reuse. Seems like there’s not a lot of overlap between comic and previous shows, though, with most of the main characters of the cartoon and previous live-action show being original to them.

No worries ;) All discussions are current discussions on Kinja...

This. Is. Twitter.

He never denied it.

Rogers has always been very clear about the movie being shit, apparently even including when he worked on it (which is why they fired him, presumably). He’s baffled that his most recent admission is suddenly getting so much attention:

It’s just amazing to me that the NRA keep saying that they don’t want mentally ill or dangerous people to have guns, yet they’re so transparently lying. Laws to prevent that sort of thing are exactly what they’ve made efforts to block - not just the mental health issue (which is kind of a red herring - there’s no

“Oh please, like anyone believes that she and/or the NRA leadership actually cares about grieving black mothers.”

“We support the troops so much, we think anyone who does anything we interpret as disrespecting them in any way is a traitor who should die! Also, we need all these guns, because we’re always thinking about potentially killing the troops!”