
No, this is the only conclusion you can draw.

So, when someone comes onto a thread of yours and offers clarity basedon experience, you should listen.

I live in AZ, I have a crowbar I can lend to the cause.

Yeah, drink liquids, stay in the shade. It’s a real puzzle how to deal with extreme heat without tech. Again, it’s the same people who are in danger when the power grid goes out for either reason. A homeless person who will die in the evening in extreme cold conditions without the right gear and training will also die

Any time, you big whiny baby.

They’ve already failed. Blaming the previous generation for not fixing their problems is how you know.

Personal recreational activity is a poor baseline for determining what is and isn’t dangerous for other people in their day-to-day. It’s also no basis for determining a government response.

OH, that’s really good.

The best gag of the night was the family watching outtakes of the original show he met his wife on.

My wife’s got a killer meatloaf recipe.

Tie it to the national average: 32K.  This would be life-altering to anyone with a low income, and would help everyone else.

Counterpoint. I loved him in the first two Blade films.

Also, the only man who wasn’t a cardboard cutout in “Waiting to Exhale.

While this sounds bad (and it is on the surface), lets put some other numbers to that.

Random Thoughts on this subject.

I got it as a gift for Christmas.  Once I can get a PS5, I’ll probably play it more.

Really? So, in the game universe it’s Geralt who makes the wish to be bound to Jennifer.

He was a teenager with a lot of cameras pointing at him asking about his love live with another famous teenager. He handled it extremely badly. Like any teenager given a national forum to air out his dirty laundry.

Only on AV Club will you see someone call this movie amazing and not add ‘-ly awful’, then get upset about wokeness instead of a deep dive into how I will never get the $6.50 back for having seen this in the theater.

“I have a deadline, and a story about a bad translation, I’m going to pump out 5 paragraphs about my bias (one of which is just a quote on the subject), then point out that someone else has already jumped to the same conclusion as me, then call the person an asshole a couple of times.