No joke. My name as a kid was either Mijo or Coyote depending on my behavior.
No joke. My name as a kid was either Mijo or Coyote depending on my behavior.
Seriously, this is a C- review that actually makes it sound like it might be worth watching.
So, I bought the game about a year ago, but haven’t done anything in it in about 10 months.
AMEN! Graham Norton would have been able to ask that question in a way that gave Burgess an avenue to engage.
Christ that story sucks.
I had to chase a snake out of our front hallway yesterday.
He’s announced a road show with this. It’s going to sell out in every city.
I’m so glad this show it getting more coverage. We’re rewatching again in order to catch up with the new season.
Four years ago people treated this kid like he was from another planet.
Wow, has anyone identified this person yet?
“Tepid chortling through a listicle blogpost by someone who’s half as funny as they think they are” day?
Love means never taking a golf club to her car because you got grounded.
Alternatively: Watch everything. Watch every episode. Even the heavily maligned third season which suffered from budget cuts.
I loved the New Mexico episode, as it showed parts of my home state that tourists don’t often get to see.
I’m not gonna lie, this is in the queue.
How about a classic.