
Hmmmm. It's been twelve years, but what sparked the inhalers was that one day, for whatever reason, I couldn't walk the length of the school hall and get in enough air. I was gulping and gulping and not enough was getting in. It wasn't my throat, it was my lungs. To get to the office and call my mom I had to lean

I had a creepy gym teacher too. He was a frequent sub / stand-in with a name that sounded like genitals (think Dix or Peens). Turns out my creep-radar was working properly, because he was fired when it came out that he had relationships going with 5 students. The only reason he didn't get child molestation charges was

At my school that would have been a zero for the day and a call from home, a 15 minute detention if it was your third strike. Dragging a girl into the pool? Automatic riot. We were some pissed off powder kegs as it were, if you had given us a justifiable reason to revolt...

I'm really curious how you got a diagnosis and what your asthma looks like, because that sounds like me. My family has a history of asthma and I was always struggling to breathe in track. My body felt fine but I would break down into terrible coughing fits, especially if it was cold (in fact, cold air can put me in a

Moon boots - here's what being really drunk is like!

We had them growing up.

I had a gym teacher - young, fit, incredibly intimidating - whose health class consisted of him discussing consent, unhealthy relationships, and watching a lifetime movie about domestic violence. At the end of the movie, he stood in front of the tv and told us we never ever do those things. That any girl who felt she

Maybe "I'll call comcast and pretend to be your dead relative" is the new flowers and a casserole.

And you thought funeral selfies were rude. No, that's for the cell phone company!

Well ever since labor started his wife has been all "me me me". The romance is dead.

You have made it perfectly clear that you don't get the point, so I'm not sure why you're still talking. You don't get it, yes, good for you.

Ugh. Eye contact. They say it's important to smile and make eye contact, but it's a fucking trap.

It is not "entitelment" to expect to be paid for working.

If they found her she doesn't need exposure.

If I ask her for her wares? Yeah. If she was selling her macaroni necklaces and I said "Hey, nice macaroni necklace, I want one" she should expect me to pay her for it, not go around saying "Well, I'll be wearing it, and that's good for you".

This recently happened to someone I know through Mr. Hag's work; famous artist who has NO trouble getting exposure was asked to do art for a multi-million dollar fight in Vegas for not even a ticket.

I miss my off-time hair cuts. :C

I'm about to make you very sad. I recently tried a hotdog that had sriracha mayo on it.

I honestly would have impaled myself on a knife just to get out of there.

My butt is just NOT having the problems yours is, apparently. Sriracha just doesn't have that kind of power over my bunghole.