
That's why I do like it. I like that sweetness. I'm tired of a million combinations of vinegar and tomatoes. It just tastes like ketchup that is off-kilter. Sometimes they add chilli powder, so then it tastes like smokey vinegar-ketchup. Meh to that.

Sriracha on corn on the cob is spectacular, but really, you should whip it into the butter first, otherwise it's all uneven and sad.

That's terrifying, and big YES to the female bartender getting a ton of sexual harassment. My cousin works as bar security, and one of her cowokers was actually roofied by a customer. He bought a round for himself and her, which is normal bartender shit, but the second she put his money in the register, he spiked her

Ding ding ding! We all know how incredibly stupid and frustrating it is when a guy comes in and says "well sometimes that happens to men, so quit trying to be special!"

I got no less than 3 enormous, essay-long pseudo-intellectual rants about all the ways I was wrong and feminism was the ultimate evil. And one stupid humanism line.

I don't know what it is, but if you don't like my cats I instantly hate you. When my first apartment was being shown to a lady, the landlord came in and petted him, and the girl who followed flat-out sneered at my cat. SNEERED.

I didn't get married to impress people. I got married to, you know, marry my husband.

Planning / having my wedding was amazing and incredible and I will never ever ever do that shit again ever.

I had to walk away from an acquaintance the other day who said she had been up all night feeling sick and might have to go home after lunch because her fish dinner the night before still had it's head. There was nothing wrong with the food, but she couldn't get over that it still had a face. She could barely swallow

That man should be held up by two dude as every single worker in the place gets to punch him in the dick as hard as they want. Twice.

I'm personally drawn to the Saloon Bartender guy. Rolled sleeves and a waxed mustache. Whoo! It's like the Florida Everglades in my pants.

MN here - didn't know my husband trying to keep his face warm and hide ink stains with patterns made him the hottest trend, I just thought he was hot. Rawr.

It's so big a grin I didn't recognize her.

This is my aunt. She eats ice all day long. She gets the largest cup in our house and refills it at least 4-5 times during the evening. I told her she had pica / and iron deficiency in jest, but look at me being all smart.

I have a friend who is a manager at a Texas Macy's, and she posts every time some asshole shits in a dressing room. She posts a new "shit in the dressing room" rant almost bi-weekly. Different people, not just a serial pooper. There are this many people who think it's totally fine to shit in a dressing room.

"Life at Hopkins is royally fucked"

Asking about Essure is actually how I got the line "what's the point of being a woman if you don't have kids?" - obviously not from an Essure rep.

I would have been fine with a public proposal from Mr. Hag, but by the time he got on bended knee, we had been talking about getting married for almost two years and been ring shopping twice. It was a sure thing that he would ask and I would say yes, it was just a matter of when.

Well that's when you knew the doctor was just bullshitting me that she would ever do that ever. Because I imagine a proper psychologist is going to call up her office like "are you fucking kidding me, why are you sending her here, do you not realize how many people are truly in need and I'm sitting here dealing with

This, right here. Can't have it done. Heck, on top of the above listed, I was told I would have to write a paper on why I wanted it and see a counselor for a psych eval. Because only crazy women don't want to have babies, and also they're children who should have to do homework.