If ever I need a TRULY scary costume, I'll dress as a self-righteous pro-lifer.
If ever I need a TRULY scary costume, I'll dress as a self-righteous pro-lifer.
My mom was chased out of the Catholic Church. Now I'm wondering if Catholic guilt is genetic.
You mean you ladies don't have your very own Sexual Harassment Mix Tape?
Old religious guilt? I was raised without religion because my mother was chased out of the church. The only time I was ever really exposed to God or Jesus was when they were mad and bloody. It was all "Oh, you don't go to church? Check out this incredibly gory integral part of our religion, because our God is a big…
Puppet-ghost and angry Jesus are going to give me nightmares tonight for sure.
They're like roaches ; every time you think you've gotten rid of the problem, another fucker crawls up your drain pipe.
Yogurt. Explain everything to me in terms of yogurt.
Yep. Chapped my ass that I was being respected for my body guard and not for being a person. But at the same time I was like "I'm playing pool. In a dive bar. At night! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
People say hello where I live too. But it's so easy to read someone's face and body language to know if they would be receptive to a hello. If they seem relaxed and make eye contact, a little head nod and a quick "hi" or "good morning" is totally appropriate. These dudes are not exchanging greeting with her. She's…
Reminds me of a guy I dated on and off for a while. He was (is) in fact, a great guy, and decently attractive. But what I loved is that he's huge and scary-looking. Other men were intimidated by him. We could go anywhere, at any hour, and no one would DARE give me shit, because the minute he walked in he would scan…
Cat island sounds nice. Anyone who cannot go will be given the option of heading to Bunny Island.
No, don't talk to me. This is me letting everyone know that I'm not with the racist asshole. If this was a real life situation, I would push you into the street, duck into the nearest coffee shop, and hide behind the collection of indie magazines until you either left or were sucked into a street cleaner.
I stopped feeling any sense of solidarity with you when you had to go and blame it on minorities. I've been catcalled in dozens of different cities, neighborhoods, and racial demographics. Misogyny has no ethnicity.
Well corset use is like braces and retainers.
That's a good point; we're very concerned about how corsets will squish your organs all over the place, but babies are experts at that shit.
Now that she's already trained, it wouldn't be hard for her to get back to a small waist after a baby. She may or may not lace as tightly just based on if her muscles pulled apart or she had extra skin, but she could go back with relative ease.
Not unless you go way too tight, you fight it (like trying to slouch or arch your back against it), or you eat something that will expand in your stomach and then make the thing too tight, like a bunch of bread.
I was in a knee-length wool coat with a scarf over my face, huge sunglasses, and a hat covering the top of my head. I had my hands (gloved) in my pockets, clunky snow boots over my jeans, and all my hair tucked into my clothing so it wouldn't get wet. I had no visible skin or defining markers as a chick. The guy had…
I wish you would eat my nylons, because then they would melt in your stomach and turn into a long chord that would cut off circulation to your intestines while hanging out of your ass as an uncomfortable tampon string, not unlike when a dog eats a plastic bag.