Midwest winter addition -
Midwest winter addition -
You're absolutely right that I am so lucky.
No one is impressed. It's not impressive. Do it because you want to, not because you think it makes you more impressive than other people. It doesn't.
I don't think a cultural demand for virgins is any better. It should be a choice, and not one that is derided or overly prided on. It's the equivalent of saying "I've never had a sandwich!" Good for you / sorry? It's such a non-issue, in the grand scheme of things.
We nearly had the same night. Dinner was served by 6pm, but we had the room until midnight. So after FIVE HOURS of dancing and drinking, we went to the bar to have another drink with our dj. By the time we got back to the room we were practically dragging our worn-out, filthy feet. We were both tired and RANK. Slept…
Pardon me, I'm suddenly in need of a very long, hot and steamy shower.
You're right. However, I have never found that bitching at someone with even less power and pay over a frivolous purchase is the way to value it. That doesn't give me a sense of "gee, I sure did earn my dollar today!"
Amen. There isn't a soul on the entire fucking planet that could make me eat a lighter meal so I could stand in the cold and get them a Christmas present.
Oh Lord, thanks for reminding me why I'll never work retail again. I don't care if I'm desperate, hookers get way more respect. And I'm not too old to swing on a pole. Make it rain, I'm spending my food holiday eating food.
Look everyone! It's a wild Angela! Hold very very still now.
Maybe that same arrow and the words "bad tattoo" should have been under it?
I've never heard the original Shake it Off, but now I really don't have to. I think this is a win for the music industry, because I'll admit that the song has potential to be seriously great.
Go home, other contestants. The show is over.
Right? I actually partially respect that they didn't get into a Tina sex scene because she is a kid in the show, fantasy or not.
I laughed really hard at that last shot. All that gilded bullshit and then there's softsoap and paper towels, not even put in a soap dispenser or on a paper towel roll. Guess you have to cut your budget somewhere.
Who needs to worry about Isis when we've got anti-women terrorists as our government officials? Foreign threats? Oh no, I'm not that fancy, I'll just have the regular home-grown variety.
I just came in to say that her hair and makeup is fucking phenomenal. Yes, to all of that going on with your head. And the nails. Love it.
I raise you both a calico named Calbertina Cocalina and a incredibly grumpy, obese orange tabby named Ivan Von Fatty Tatty.
This morning a stray kitten decided he was going to be mine for the four hours it took me to reach one of the no-kill shelters and convince them to take just this one little bitty dude in.
"You ruined our lawn!"