Probably because they're actually not painful. At least, not good ones. Those plastic-boned monstrosities sold at anime conventions and ren fairs do look... pokey.
Probably because they're actually not painful. At least, not good ones. Those plastic-boned monstrosities sold at anime conventions and ren fairs do look... pokey.
I was a whore for sriracha chips. I bought more lays in that short time than I had in years combined.
This makes me kind of sad. It sounds like the cat didn't normally act like this, and that's why the owner freaked and ran for the bedroom? If that's the case, the cat is probably really sick. Could be the cat needs prozac (been there, done that) or something way worse is rewiring the cat's brain.
I think my favorite is "Santa Hates You". On a scale of 1 to god-awful, how bad is it if I want to give it to a child?
Boy, if this isn't just the greatest similarity to rape culture, I don't know what is. "If she had just stayed home and not gotten drunk at a party, this wouldn't have happened".
Mr. Hag once told me his side of when I got my first cat. We had been dating for maybe a year (?) when I adopted fatty tatty #1. As he recalls it, he came to visit and I just had a cat all the sudden. I hadn't told him I was going to get a cat.
"Is this a choice, or is this a child?"
"...married men often require a note from their wives before a doctor will even perform a vasectomy."
Thank you for the add-on. In my rage-fueled haze today I ineloquently rambled and the results were leaving out key information here and there. Mostly because I was doing my best not to just scream "And the horse you rode in on!" to everyone.
No. The IUD and EC are not "post-conception" birth control, because BOTH stop ovulation, NOT implantation.
"Well I'm pissing her off, and it might make violent, so I better be violent first!"
Once again, you're suggesting that it's okay for someone trained to take on seriously dangerous situations to snap on a non-violent-but "mouthy" person because you had a bad day.
I'll keep that in mind if I work retail. It's okay if I snap at the seventh or eighth customer because other customers were mouthy.
Not going to lie that some conflicting websites debating whether or not a child had the right to know who the egg donor was turned me off from donation more than all the other hard crap that egg donors go through. Puncturing my uterus and nearby organs and weekly dildo-scans was less scary than the idea of some kid…
I have to agree. I also would like to see every single person buying a gun have to take several hours of mandatory safety training before they can walk away with the gun. That said, I've never touched a gun in my life, but I'm pretty certain - correct me if I'm wrong, that guns tend to come with this entire…
This traditional insanity of hats with plain, modern-day dresses is very bothersome to me. How does one sew half an english garden and several dead parrots worth of feathers to a satelite dish, call it a hat, affix it on their head, and then just go "Meh, this sundress will work, whatever"?
This is also my vote. Chunky highlights and pleather pants, people.
How is it a problem? Who does it hurt if a family is willing to spend the money on their pets?