Old Goggles Pizzano

The birthday of John Loudon McAdam (because Tarmac).

Yep. A look at the picture as the story started, and I questioned which one was being referred to as the "underdog" in the opening paragraph. Details of the Porsche only improve it's case.

Hopefully one of these would come up soon enough. And hopefully it's value hasn't risen by more than $10K since the ad.

So we finally have an everyday Porsche that's on par with a 993 Turbo...Nice.

I was really looking forward to The Drivers. Probably won't see the light of day now...

Classic years had hardtops too.

The skirts aren't so bad but those bumpers are just awful. Not much better than these.

How dare they use the term "Slantnose"!

Only a 240 driver...

Okay let's compromise...

The Triumph Italia 2000 is beautiful! Never heard of it before.

I'm kidding. I kid, I'm a kidder. Check the screen name and avatar. Very little I say has any merit at all.

Sometimes the "/sarcasm" can kill the tongue in cheek type jokes. Takes away from the timing. I tried to string it out and drag it on as much as I could before the punch line. Failed.

Err, not sure if it's juice he's actually referencing. That wouldn't make any sense at all. I'm pretty sure he's protesting the importation and use of illegal steroids.

GTR you posted and original Rabbit GTI....I can understand British cars with tartan but whats up with Ze Germans?

I was familiar with the "Wizard of Oz" story type (as Brian said, "Monomyth"), but wasn't aware there were other categories for plots. I'll look into this. Cool.

Now playing

Yeah little chance of it happening as Quentin owns the rights everything. Just used it as an extreme example is all.

I'll take the green one.

Yes, by "original" I meant an "original to film" story.

Making a film is an endless list of compromises; run-time being one of them and another is interpretation of what is important to the story. It's all down to interpretation. I don't believe for one second this remake was made because someone thought they could tell the story more accurately (and if they did, who are