Very late but Esprit Series 1.
Very late but Esprit Series 1.
Nibby posted it a few weeks ago....and caught flack. Go figure.
Great idea this Classic Reviews thing...
Sorry, gotta be a Grinch here.
Is there such a thing as new Trip hop? Or at least good trip hop...
Cheers to that!
Agree totally about the Fiesta. Nissan Versa should be wiped out also. And what's VERSAtile about a sedan anyway?
Yes a good word.
Yes you could have it detailed but you just know, YEARS later, stuck in traffic on a hot summer day, you turn the AC on out comes a single stray paper bit. Just enough to remind you and piss you off. :-)
Awful. Just nasty.
Reminded me of a story from an old GF:
I took the pic in Switzerland. Interested to see they're selling in NA now. Surprised too.
Or a BMW 12?
It's now a Quad thread...
That does look like alot of weight to drag around but it could be a fun tourer. If only it had a double the HP....Hmmm
Sorry. Spoke too soon. GG Quadster. BMW powered!
Please enter some text? Could have sworn I was getting away with not having to enter text a couple of days ago.
Who was it that just purchased a red one?
Yes, damn archived history...