Old Goggles Pizzano

You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't think the Autobahn mindset is wrong in it's thinking. That's what the Autobahn is for. Great distances very quickly. If you want to enjoy your Lotus, stick it to a BMW on the twisties. If you want to enjoy your BMW, stick it to a Lotus on the Bahn.

"High Speed Chase Video"? I didn't see much of that. Headline could have read "Modified BMW 135i does 303km/h (188mph) down the Autobahn".

Agreed on the lack the discipline and responsibility. A "NA Super Highway" in Canada could really boost east/west long distance travel. I could even see Americans hoping the border, doing their 500 or 1000km and then dropping back down. Could also boost the shipping industry. Problem is they would never clear it

Re: 4th Gear,

Some insight into the history and heritage. Aside from the romantic eras there are lots of romantic automotive stories. The E-Type prototype last minute drive to the Geneva Show in 1961 comes to mind. How Mercedes got it's name...and so on.


"Crazy-Rich Dubai Residents". That's not "crazy" like Jay Leno's crazy for cars. It's more like "should be institutionalized crazy". What a stupid thing to even waste money on.

Should make this first.

Have I mentioned living in this time zone sucks Sasquatch balls?

1st Gear Aston: They should have saved the One-77 for this. It wouldn't have made the One-77 any more exciting (can't be done), but it certainly would have made this 100th anniversary car much more so. Suspension tuning, badging, and engine remap equals a fail as a 100th anniversary for such an auto maker.

Right on...Oh No!...Oh yeah!

I refuse to read any of this story or look at any pictures pertaining to the film, and will do so until it's release . That is all.

Ex once told me a story of how while working in a restaurant in Switzerland they had one of these to run errands in around town. "Oh, Cool!", was my response. She then went on to explain she had the unpleasant task of driving it....twice a week...400 miles round trip...while sitting on phone books. She was not

All Russians

Sorry for the double reply, but I think I have it...

What make of vehicle is this? Looks like a soft-roader but the front suspension is incredibly tough. I mean, Holy! Flipped the vehicle before it collapsed the suspension.

Sold! Where can I find one?
