
So, the author calls Amazon, “sorry asses”, and in some comments, “bums”. Really? One of the richest companies in the world started out of a garage. I’m wondering what you’ve done? How many jobs and millionaires have you created?

I guess the real question is, who gives a crap what/where/why/when/who Chris Pratt goes or does? Or anyone for that matter? I don't agree with what he says or does but so what? It doesn't affect my life one iota - live and let live - whether or not you agree. Jesus Christ, everyone needs to get over themselves. 

Well one thing the greatest generation taught me - you know - the ones who saved the earth from communism - was, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." 

I didn’t realize football was “white” American culture. And it was just a matter of time before Trump, gender, and racism were brought into it, right? 🙄

Why doesn't it matter that there are far more whites killed by police than blacks? The problem isn't protesting, the problem is the protest itself isn't relevant. Unarmed blacks are not being systematically killed by police. Read the facts people. Why do you continue to believe this when there are multiple studies to

Another example of someone using their platform (privilege) and their 1st amendment right to complain about someone else’s privilege in hysterical terms to get attention and divide us all to push their agenda to...well...divide. I use to hate it when people would say if you don’t like it, get out. But seriously, will

WTF thinks he wouldn't have called the cops on a 6foot 4inch white guy? He's just a douche, plain and simple. I don't think race has anything to do with this particular story. I could be wrong, but I could be right. Why exacerbate the story beyond him being a pussy, to him being a racist? 

Jesus Christ another Trump to Hitler comparison that takes away credibility of anything else you have to say. Hitler murder over 6 million Jews and tens of thousands more in the war. Why don’t you ask holocaust survivors or their family members to explain the difference to you? When you show hysteria, it no longer

There are laws against discrimination. Only thing to do now is to prosecute those that discriminate. You're welcome. 

You are a liar. Whether it’s because you didn’t read Bret W's email or just interpreted it to your own agenda doesn't matter. He thought being forced to exclude himself due to his race was wrong. And of course he was right. Shove your bias down your own throat. Thanks. 

Tarter sauce hued? Slave catcher? Your racist rant and ridiculous claims do nothing to help. You're as guilty as he is. I bet you refer to Trump as Hitler, too, right? 

Sorry, but what a LeBron Homer you are. He IS the best player in the game. He WILL go down (already is) as one of the best of all time. But no one - No one is bigger than the game itself. If it weren’t for the game, there'd be no LeBron James. 

That’s one of the problems with religion - it’s somehow OK for it to be out of the realm of criticism or discussion because it’s a belief. It can’t be proven there isn’t a God and no matter the harm religion causes or that it can be presumed that religion knows what a God wants and how you should live, leave it alone.

Look. There’s only one way to buy MOST new cars. Dealer invoice. No one ever has to pay more than that.