
Love Actually

Where is this from? I want to see this movie.

“Working in a McDonald’s is not, and should not ever be considered a career.”


As an American, I think I won’t be going anywhere either. Mostly because I’m not sure I could get back in.


Shocking that people who spend virtually al of their time on the internet and littlevto no time out in the real world would somehow be batshit racists. I mean it’s not like the internet is full of that sort of thing right?

Gonna guess.... you’re a white guy.

Final Scene: Trump orders him to launch nukes, he complies but aims it at themselves, asks: are you not entertained?

What’s wrong with the Sonic tweet....?

aren’t we all just human in the end?

Debut Album tracklist:

+9 to get an outside line for a callback to yesterday

+1 x-ray leaked to Adam Schefter

Excellent meme crossover work here.

RONDO: I’m a great teammate. I never would go to the media about my teammates.

I starred your comment but I can’t believe people still describe things, people and places, as butt. I thought that shit got played out in the 90's. Some folks must be behind the curve when it comes to slang.

Yep. I initially thought he was walking oddly, then the whole “Ohhh yeah, dude ran into people for most of his life” clicked and I had to remind myself that not everyone is a day drunk like me.

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention isn’t even top 100?!? INTERVENTION! INTERVENTION!

Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.

Superior height? That’s it, I am going to recline every seat on every flight for the rest of my life.