The spaces to show fandom are increasingly finite. What, is there some sort of sticker one can affix to a bumper to convey fandom? Impossible!
The spaces to show fandom are increasingly finite. What, is there some sort of sticker one can affix to a bumper to convey fandom? Impossible!
His “rights” are being trampled.
But isn’t the truly uncool thing that will have to *gasp* change his license plate?
This is a classic case of “don’t know what the fuck you’re talking aboutness.” Instead of considering that nerd culture isn’t important and that changing a license plate is nothing, they choose to believe they are being persecuted.
Ummmm not Spain
Your mom?
It’s not a new uniform, they just turned up the darkness setting on the first pic.
It matches our depression.
WHY did you have to remind of that!?!?
Pick up zen. He deals damage and provides healing. Plus, he can shred Roadhog.
Soooo the can move through space time at will thing is fine but the being 19 is a bridge too far? K
Maybe not at the level of Kentucky, Texas, Michigan, or USC but I call tell you the University of Arizona has a ton of similar fans.
This. So much this.
I usually order a XL, eat until I hate myself, and then wonder how I gained wait over the winter.
I’ve tried to solo tank with her and it was a disaster. I think the big issue is that fortify seems lacking.
I played a couple months ago out of boredom. After having played overwatch a lot, I was struck by how slow everything in Destiny seemed.
It’s almost like he addresses his lack of familiarity with the class.
Hi Arizonan and Mexican here.
Or they are ubiquitous.
Cool, my team is only relevant when they are irrelevant.