
Austin isn’t a liberal city. Austin is a tech bro libertarian city, it’s San Francisco for the less talented. Austin has always been far more Texan than people realize.

How do you have an opinion about a game you haven’t played?

All Baylor students are forever upset they didn’t get into UT. Oh sure they call it the best school in America, but they’d burn their bibles and stop sexually assaulting if UT gave them a call.

Fuck you? No, fuck ME.

Why the fuck were they conserving timeouts in OVERTIME!? Blow all three so your defense can rest. Who cares about challenges when your team is clearly winded?

Yeah, but think of all the solace Muslims must taking in the fact that their conscience is clear.

Remember those dumbasses who kept claiming that the “Democrats and Republicans are the same, it doesn’t matter” a while back?

Bryan Colangelo, is that you!?


The best way to go would be the return of Zorp the Surveyor.

+1 bag of chips

That PlayStation controller that was just an amorphous blob of dicks certainly was a little much.

Who no Hanjo?

Also, Jason, when are you going to write an article about the journalist?

There was a plot?

Austin to Detroit here.

I have never understood the persona love. As you point out, the characters are dull archetypes. It also doesn’t help that the rpg mechanics are dungeon crawler grindfest.

Chapter 13 dragged on is putting it mildly. By my calculations, you had to retrieve 1,783 key cards.

Tomi is just Megyn Kelly but with more right swing spice.

My family dropped the first constant for both: we use Ama y Apa