Are you daft? You understand money can be used to make a prison stay more cushy, yes?
Are you daft? You understand money can be used to make a prison stay more cushy, yes?
He seems like the type of guy you do a bunch a coke with and drop like a brick when it’s not fun anymore.
Nah, money makes all the difference in how you’re treated in the system.
Hot take: if Nick doesn’t publically disown her brother and make sure that family is taken care of, she can go to hell.
I’ve never had someone try it above 50, personally.
I’ll stick to blasting my horn until I can make the most hateful eye contact I can muster.
This. This. This.
It doesn’t matter; either way it’s trivializing sexual assault against women, because everyone around him ignores and enables it.
Rose McGowan replaced him, and (I think) he’s in Puerto Rico now.
To be fair, she might just have a warped oven door and a broken noodle arm.
Thanks. For a site so concerned with privilege, no one seems to care that’s exactly what this girl banked on.
Hot take: Jackie finally got fed up with JFK’s cheating ass and masterminded the whole thing.
“ watching her parents, who are both engineers...”
Watching Julianne Moore frown at those flash cards was fucking DECADENT.
How bout “THE CUT”?
if you feel entitled to a bubble wrapped world while you recover, then you aren’t committed enough to your recovery. (Because rule #1 is accepting you’re the issue)
It’s a joke. Toddlers are notoriously handsy with their moms.
My shtick
I knew a guy that would always grunt,