
If you love kids you should be pro choice, period. Abortions make me sick to my stomach (the actual prodcedure- I admit there’s some personal shit wrapped up in that), but what could happen to unwanted children is waaaay worse than being terminated as a fetus.


I agree this book wasn’t particularly insightful, but I think male authors can deftly portray the female experience.

I’m going to get one of those super oblong ones for the wtf factor.

It’s basically made-to-order ice cream. It’s blasted with nitrogen while it churns so it’s frozen and ready in 5 min.


Martha 2020

I’m sure somewhere in LA one of those nitrogen ice cream places have already used it.

One of them cat fish poles. My cats will play with it for an 1hr+. If you’re lazy, you even put a feather toy on a string, and then clip/tie it to a fan blade set on low.

I got Mizon’s snail jizz, after much hesitation, and it is the SHIT.

Ugh that sucks.

Second this. Don’t even make it the sex, just “let she do x, y, z for a little longer”

I can’t believe Orlando Bloom doesn’t have more mentions here. Him a JD are the only reasons I watched all the PoC movies.

I assume you mean for susan sossamon?

Gotta nitpick here: opposed overdoses are not representative of usage. The reason so many people are dying in the Midwest/whatever is because it’s harder to hero heroin out there, so they “dilute” with fentanol, which kills hella people. In places like NY, Florida, SoCal, etc. the rampant use is less noticed since its

How else will they get solid factual information?

That’d be an instant midlife crisis. And I’m like 25. 😩

Screw the movie, I would’ve spent all night making fuck eyes at every ManServant until SOMEBODY gave me the dick.

Even target is too pricey for my blood. (35$ for an itty bitty sweater? Cmon)

Let the colonel’s glistening drumstick penetrate your warm soft biscuits~