
I live 10 minutes from his office. People here are fucking PISSED.

In the early 2000s, Common would come into the health food store I worked at in Brooklyn. I made his vegan vanilla milkshakes, on the regular. He was as nice as could be.

So if I’m in a movie theater and a white guy sits near me, is it rude for me to get up and move? I’m #notracistbut if white men would stop shooting people at random I wouldn’t have to think this way. #seehowitfeels

You and me both. I have intensely passive-aggressive contests with one of my beloved flatmates who likes the temperature to hover somewhere between the Arabian desert and the surface of the sun. I, being a normal, like it somewhere around 21°-22°C (aka 70°-72°F in American). So every time one of us passes the

One of my favorite things about Top of the Lake (other than Moss’ performance) is that they made her boyfriend an actual good dude. He wasn’t creepy. He wasn’t secretly anyone’s attacker. He just felt bad about not being able to do more when he was younger and Moss’ character got attacked.

Wait. No. Is that how arguments and apologies work? That doesn’t sound right.

Why do I get the sense that Jezebel is very, veeery disappointed this might not drag on any longer? (I love Nicki and Taylor so I’m just glad they might make up so I can stop feeling like an awkward child watching her parents fight.)

There’s 1 (overrated) cheese producer out here that people go gaga over. I was recently at their airport shop and they had some almost squeaky curds out for sampling....along with a sign explaining what curds were. They had to be explained. (ugh) Furthermore, this lady ran up behind me all a flutter: “Ooooh what

My mom and dad always bring us New Glarus products when they come visit the grandkids. There is nothing on earth that brings me more joy than my elderly parents going out of there way to do a beer run before the drive to Minnesota.

You were in the right for the plus one situation. Putting “plus one” or “and guest” on the invitation means the person invited can choose whomever she/he wants to bring, whether that’s a date or their mother or their friend. Significant others should always be invited by name, never as “and guest”.

I didn’t want kids at my wedding but my now husband gave me a heartbroken look when I said that so I pivoted and not only welcomed kids but hired two sitters to watch the kids and we even had a playground at our venue and reminded parents to bring a change of clothes for their kids. If kids are guests every effort

Damn, Jezebel writers killing it with the prose lately: ‘who looks like the result of a shameful one night stand between a Brooks Brothers suit and a copy of Atlas Shrugged’. Yes.

In relationships (established) or attempted relationships (dating), if the ghostee is:

I’m too confrontational by nature to do ghosting. I can see the need in certain situations—namely, hostile/volatile ones, where actual face-to-face interaction has the potential to turn violent—but in practice, I hate it. I’ve been ghosted before with no cause/reason (as in, two days prior, we were pleasantly

I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing

One big thing people fail to understand is how many safeguards and buffers are built into any application (medical, engineering, etc.).

her cats probably too up to date vaccinated

Taylor Swift probably has very up to date vaccines because of her travel insurance requirements.

I didn’t realise how important Scottish independence was to me until JKR came out against it and called the SNP “death eaters" and it makes me almost regret buying the books.