In a world where Amazon has mastered 2 day delivery.
In a world where Amazon has mastered 2 day delivery.
Wisconsin, birthplace of the progressive movement, the great north woods, I love you. Don't do this to me. Don't move backward, move...
Remember if some of those bricks hit her husband too it's not misogyny!
The issue is (like many toys and narratives, and much of history) that American Girl continues to allow the white narrative to be true, viable, and multi- faceted (as it should be! Isn't culture/race's past more than a single event or single type of person?) Four (more than half!) of those dolls tell the story of…
There are 7 dolls and 3 are non-white. The issue is? I guess there could be an Asian.
Dear God: I know my baby kitties are awesome, and that heaven would be a much better place if they were hanging out there, pooping on your heavenly carpets and chasing all the beams of light you have up there, but if you let both of them live to be at least 24 (although 38 would be better), I'll never take your name…
Still waiting for the show to live up to the South Park version of the theme song. WEIner weiner WEIner weiner WEIner...
My 6-year-old son asked me about going to Sea World the other day and I was straight up with him and told him my feelings (without being graphic). By the end of the conversation he was ready with a plan to go down there and set the whales free. Fuck Sea World!
As a brasilian, I am still choosing what to do during the World Cup. I will either run away from my town (there will be a few games here) or protest like crazy.
A lot of us didn't want this event. But our politicians don't represent the people. Or maybe they do: we have a horrible school system, a whole bunch of…
I GOT A FUCKING JOB THIS WEEK. I've been out of work for a fucking YEAR! I'm so happy right now you guys!!!!!
sorry no squee for me. Newborns look like hairless scrubbed hamsters. Still, congrats to the parents!
I was going to make a Seventh Heaven joke, but I realize I'm only dating myself. Oh what the hell, I'll do it anyway:
This was actually a lie that I told. When I was four, my aunt got a divorce. My family and I visited Minnesota to visit her, and she took us for a ride in her new speed boat. It was the best thing that had ever happened to my landlocked, Iowan self.
Why do stories like this always end up becoming a parenting skills judging session? Can people just back the fuck off and realize that every parent makes mistakes? Some of them are easily remedied - like the time I thought my kid wasn't that sick, took her out anyway, and got barfed on. Some of them aren't - like when…
Here's Jon Hamm holding a snow leopard, for the greater good:
OH THANK GOD. I swear, this is me every Wednesday waiting for this segment:
School Uniforms
Computers in Classrooms
Violence in Video Games
Ratings Systems for Film & TV
Soda & Snacks in Cafeterias
Five subjects that are great for 8th graders to research and debate about, right off the top of my head.
Guuuuuyssss... She is young. We all have been young. We all didn't just come into existence with a deep understanding of feminism and what it truly means. And I know a LOT of us also did the, "I'm not a feminist, I love men!" thing at some point. Most of us had a long journey to get where we are and still have a…
Seriously. If you going to do this campaign, why the fuck isn't it aimed at everyone?
If you're a girl who has sex before marriage, you might get your face chewed off my a meth addict.
If you're a boy who has sex before marriage, high five! You can't marry her now though, because she's a slut.