So, I looked up "Stockholmare" and got "Stockholmer, a resident or native of Stockholm." Is there some other connotation? Or is you "OF COURSE" in reference to just Stockholmers liking Ibiza?
So, I looked up "Stockholmare" and got "Stockholmer, a resident or native of Stockholm." Is there some other connotation? Or is you "OF COURSE" in reference to just Stockholmers liking Ibiza?
I did the same thing, but with Dutch. I was thinking how terrible my Dutch was getting and then realized "Oh wait, this is not a language I know."
My boyfriend and I recently got his parents' entire record collection, including "9 to 5 and Odd Jobs". I listened to it twice yesterday and have decided it is quite possibly the greatest album of all time. (and I am in no way exaggerating)
LOL. My kitty did this to my boyfriend post-coitus. But we stopped him in time.
The big deal is, as most people learn in childhood, you NEVER point guns at people or pets. It doesn't matter if they are toys or if they are loaded. You just don't do it. I guess this guy missed out on that lesson.
Hi! My cats are also not on here and I am 95% sure it is because I have the location data turned off when I take pictures.
WELCOME TO MINNESOTA! Obviously the best state in the country. I hope you get the house!
Yeah, I used to work in HR and we would never fire for this. I remember getting into work early one morning and the night supervisor came into my office to tell me one of our 3rd shifters had "called in via cop". Apparently as the officer was taking this person to the jail, s/he asked the cop to stop by work and let…
If you put the effort into making me something vegetarian, I will eat it ALL and be so grateful. Heck, on Sunday we were at our friend's restaurant and he brought us some fancy fish to try and I was like, "Who cares? This was nice of him. I'll be pesceterian today?"
I am a vegetarian and it really, really bugs me when other vegetarians and vegans say that they can or cannot eat something. Unless you are actually allergic to animal products, you're making a choice. I even tell people "Yeah, meat's delicious! But I choose not to eat it." I have these two vegan friends with whom I…
Personally, I'm wary of food labels that read "does not contain cheese," but that's just me.
... pictures of me arguing with an agent who had just wanded me because my calves were too bulky (sad) ...
That is "Finding Forrester", no?
You didn't ask me, but... I love my IUD. Definitely get it! I have the mirena so I barely get periods anymore. The side effects included some cramping and bleeding for a couple weeks after insertion, but that is nothing to suffer to ensure I don't have babies anytime soon. I was also extremely lucky in that my…
I read "Asco Thart".
I am a vegetarian and have been for eight+ years but the other night my boyfriend and I got home from a wedding and were both so hungry and so so drunk and he ordered some boneless buffalo wings. When he was out of the room and my friend who was staying with us had fallen asleep on the couch, I stole one. I then…
Somewhere, Minnesota
That is really good to know! It really should be something decided by the patient, based on their own desires, their bodies, and their insurance coverage, in conjunction with their doctors' advice, not some all-encompassing policy that takes nothing into consideration.
In Southern Minnesota my sister was denied the mirena because she hadn't had kids yet. She was told it was the health system's policy not to give it to childless women. This one health system basically runs the clinics in all the towns in So.Minn. so imagine how many women might be denied.
In her case, it was maybe a…