Another great hint from the article is not to run up $62,000 on credit cards. holy shit.
Another great hint from the article is not to run up $62,000 on credit cards. holy shit.
I’ve been confiting sous vide for years. It doesn’t take much fat at all if you’re vacuum packaging.
“Making meat stock on the stove necessitates standing over a boiling hot pot”
Keep in mind that a charcoal grill will get way hotter than anything else you own, so you can do steaks, pizza, bread, wok etc better than you can on a stove top or gas grill.
Jesus Christ, I’m a 53 year old man and I got a chill reading this. WTG, Mom.
My wedding was full of NY cops and firemen cutting loose for the first time since 9/11 and no one remembers a thing except for the pipers and that they don’t remember a thing. Catering hall manager told us it was the first time they lost money on a wedding.
Another booze that goes shockingly well with Coke? Laphroaig 10, aka Smoke and Coke. Not as good served neat, but it’s actually interesting.
“I had no idea there were rules against putting any food down the disposer other than bacon grease.”
Heat olive oil in a pan, add some pimenton (smoked paprika), let that bloom in the oil, crack an egg into that and baste it with the delicious hot oil, serve over a piece of grilled bread
>I can’t imagine anything more delicious.
I’m a chef instructor at an urban college and this is my biggest fight the first day of the ServSafe safe course. Your co-worker was right - rinsing meat will actually cause more problems than it solves. Soaking in vinegar does absolutely nothing, either. Sorry.
Can I just make one tweak in the name of food safety? Use one pint of water on the boil and a pound of ice (“a pint is a pound the world around”) immediately after it comes off the boil to crash the temperature as quickly as possible. I’m probably being finicky but poultry and “let come to room temperature” should…
Or a sous vide immersion circulator if you have one (you should have one)
Use two or three dried (not canned)and rehydrated chiles per bag of cranberries, 1/4 tsp each cumin and cinnamon, cup or so of sugar and a small clove of garlic, minced.
Chipotle! Seriously.
And I hope that if you ever do that to ANY customer, that you would be fired, arrested and if a beating from the customer comes your way, so be it.
That was Metstastic!
Just press F
You know terrines are peasant food, right?
I was always taught to weight a terrine overnight for texture - any chance of doing that here?