Well you dont need to wait that much, where i live, GT500 lose its value pretty damn fast, the only reason i dont buy one is gas.
Well you dont need to wait that much, where i live, GT500 lose its value pretty damn fast, the only reason i dont buy one is gas.
once upon a time in the west- Dire straits
A burnout should get rid of them
You guys noticed that on every upshift his head moves forward?
Its crazy, thats something you dont see on an F1 driver. Those guys must have necks made of stone.
Never skip leg day:Passenger
Basically what i think too. good comment ULY.
who could hate this, that cycle is DAmn pretty good to me.
Yeah, i prefer these roads than having puddles all over the road.
Lancia Stratos. It is a very nice car indeed.
Nice work demuro you just made me feel jealous of all those rich people driving their dreams around.
nah. Its not like they rotate slower at highway speeds
i was expecting window smashing when the door shut.
Still, RWD wins because you just need to replace 2 tires
The most basic Wrangler i think its AC-less
I also thought that about the trees but worse, a tree could have fallen OVER the truck
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you dont know how much i laughed once i read the last line. Thanks arch duke
That mans neck must be equal or more strong than a formula 1 driver's.