
That drives me nuts. Or having to scroll around the map to find the random spot where the name is displayed. If I zoom in, just give me all the street names for streets I can see. 


I feel a bit of irritation at this story. I’m a black guy who has a white niece and a white nephew who are both the grandchildren of a black man and descendants of slaves. They’re a quarter black just as the subject of this story is a quarter Puerto Rican. It irritates me that they might one day want to explore their

Little-known fact: The unofficial motto of South Carolina is “thank God for Mississippi.”

into a thousand years of darkness

My question is how? Mike Espy looks like Keegan Michael Key in 10 years. The reason Phil Bryant is speaking in such archaic terms is that this is the language of people down there and what they believe. If Black people had that much power don’t they think we’d have turned them all into frogs by now? The ignorance is

You can silence your phone until you wake up

Murphy nearly single-handedly saved SNL when he was fucking nineteen years old.  He wasn’t “given” shit.

Sweet, now that names are back, we can get back to the cars Cadillac should be making:

Ma’am, I think you underestimate the power and endurance that washing Trans-Ams can give a person!

Before ‘Longer, Lower and Wider’
1938 Ford Fordor Sedan

He knows what he’s done. So he knows what he’s guilty of. He’s just upset that he can’t keep doing it.  

Gah, every single thing he said made my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head. I’m gonna need some pain reliever.

Romance and women’s fiction is dismissed by the literary community (although sometimes not if they are written by men).

Oh the FRANZEN thing! I can talk about serious author douchebaggery all day.

Baba! How have you been? I think of you often. We don’t see enough of you around these parts

I’m not sure how familiar you are with Dessen’s work if you’re arguing that Stephanie Perkins is writing more nuanced, deeper stuff than her. I’m not a huge Dessen fan, but she’s tackled a number of heavier issues in her books—domestic violence, sexual assault, eating disorders, teen pregnancy—often with plenty of

I don’t have the Facebook app but I do have Instagram, and I have the camera and microphone access turned off.  Can someone explain to me why I am still getting very specifically targeted ads?  Like if I tell a friend my cat loves Meow Mix, next time I go on Instagram I’ll see an ad for it.  Also it sucks because