
If those tires are more than about 6 years old please consider replacing them regardless of tread depth, I’d hate for you to loose one on the highway and damage that rare gem you’ve got there and especially after all the man and woman hours that you’ll be putting into it.

I really enjoyed your article, thank you for sharing. Don’t listen to those asshats out there complaining about their free media on the internet...Cheers Also im in placerville,ca so it was fun to hear you got your awesome trailer so close to us.

I had 42 cents and one frozen chicken patty as recent as 6 years ago. 

I’m sorry you had such an awful experience.

You obviously have no clue that stupid police forces are the preferred default. Stupid cops are easier to manipulate and are more likely to perform immoral actions because they’re convinced otherwise. Sadly, I’m not kidding. Police forces seek out the lesser intellectually inclined, arguing they do this because smarter

One of my best friends was booted from the police academy because he couldn’t shoot well enough. Other than that, he was extremely intelligent, kind and compassionate about the community (he’s a very active teacher now), you know the type of person you’d actually want to be a cop. But hey, gotta shoot then think,

It’s about the deputy feeling disrespected I’d wager. Cops are so twitchy about it and think just because of who they are they deserve respect.

Finish? There is no way these people read at all. 

“I am not as comfortable with this one as the last one.”

“What makes you believe that it’s okay to come to a college campus, like this, when we are supposed to be promoting diversity on this campus, which is what we’re taught.”

Ugh. Shit like this is why I roll my eyes when people say things like “I can’t wait for the Boomer generation to die out so we don’t have to deal with this kind of nonsense anymore.” Um, their kids are JUST LIKE THEM, if not worse. 

Same! I hate shivering, but my joint pain feels much worse than being cold feels, and cool showers seem to help. Plus my skin doesn’t get as dry asit did when I used to hang out in a hot shower.

I’m currently reclining with ice packs on my neck and lower back. I’m in my mid-40s and am disabled from severe arthritis and degenerative disc disease, as well as chronic daily migraines and trigeminal neuralgia. Ice helps reduce the pain in my chronically inflamed arthritic knees, hips/SI joint area and reduces the

I think your off the hook and are NTA or a Jerk, you were prompt to get your stuff and did not interfere with the proper flow. Now if you would have had to push back through people to get your stuff that would have been a different story. Altogether some people just want a reason to complain and airplanes make for the

Yeah, flying isn’t bad (I personally don’t love it). What’s actually bad is how we’ve let the system become. Parking/being dropped off, the TSA, shoving through lines, crammed into smaller seats, deplaning, we’re doing it ourselves and don’t care.

Doesn’t matter what the interest rate is if you don't carry a balance

You are correct! And no, did not take forever to retrieve the under-seat bag. In fact, I think I left it on the seat when I went back so I could just grab it right as I walked by.

Only 2-3 rows?  Pffft... I think that takes you off the jerk hook.

I would say 2, maybe 3 rows. When the seatbelt sign went off, I stood up, walked back and grabbed my suitcase. By that time, a few other passengers had already stood up, so I stood there and waited until the line shuffled forward, grabbed my bag that I had under the seat as I walked by, and deplaned as normal!