
That’s maybe all the credit he deserves. I’ve watched many episodes and I think the quality is entirely dependent on the guest. Starting to think Seinfeld doesn’t add much himself.

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Not only that, but this trailer for the newest season of CICGC has him bitching about other people ripping off the format of the show. One of which being James Corden and Carpool Karaoke. The chutzpah. It burns.

Great episode, but it really made me think what an incredible series could be had by Ken Burns on Manhattan. Because once it hits the period the Deuce is set this season, are the years millions feel NYC began to “lose its soul.” in the subsequent years. Now this was a time I started visiting Manhattan regularly. In

Theres nothing wrong with driving the vehicle you like. It's popular to hate on trucks, but driving a truck without using the full capacity is no worse than driving a sports car without taking it on the track.

Truck people need not apologize for their choice in vehicle, just like no one in a sports car should apologize for theirs. The whole hating on trucks/cuvs/SUVs things is dumb and tired. Don’t like that I get less mpgs than you? Eat a scabby dick and worry about your own pitiful and sad existence.

I think it’s always so damn cool to see the “best brands” of things in different states. Like when you visit Uncle Fredward in [insert state here] and he says something like “I gotta go hit Dougs Market for some stuff.” And it’s so foreign because you are used to your local stores and then you get there an its like

I mean I’m white so take everything I say with that note.

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

lol. You said exactly what I was thinking. Sure, it might be $15, but once you add the carry on, seat selection, mobile ticket, bottle of water, peanuts, filtered air, bathroom privileges, etc... you might as well just book a normal-priced fare.

Ask your favorite sportsball player if he would like to turn in his socks with the hole where the big toe is and get a new pair of socks. Probably at least four out of ten of them will tell you to get bent. She may feel the same superstitious way about this keyboard. It’s worked for her, a new one might jinx her.

As shown,a pic of Kevin’s car prior to the accident:

This is this manipulative, performative shock for free shit for her brother and his white chick.

“Lady, you do realize I’m the one who said ‘lay off the hooker following us around’”?-Jesus

“Against the Christian faith? That bitch is out of her freaking mind!”

What Black people are so shocked about racist and anti-miscegenation sentiments in Mississippi that they have to put their shoes on and go see it for themselves with a video camera?!

Why do rich people leave valuables inside their car? That’s like the first thing I learned when driving. Put everything up, even the change from you cup holder. I take it a step further and leave trash strewn around. If you have to leave crap in the car, at least put it in the trunk, so its out of site.

I hope McKinnon was able to negotiate a sweet deal to stay on, as Lorne Michaels will never find anyone who can so accurately portray Elizabeth Warren. And I hope she’ll be needed until 2024!!!!!

At first glance I thought this was a breast pump! heheh

It’s a cool project, but some concerns about the lack of a radiation shield for the temp probe, and the way the anemometer (wind speed) is mounted. If for nothing else, some great things to tinker with. Here’s Wunderground’s mounting recommendations for proper calculations. http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation…