
Wasn’t Bobby Kennedy going after the mob after years of them getting a pass by J Edgar Hoover? I’ve also heard Vietnam vets say that the CIA went after JFK. If you want to get a guy, then hire some pros and Giancana seemed like one. You like Brazilian music?

Back in the early 90's, Jack Nicholson took a golf club out of his care and beat the hood of someone else’s car. I have an old set of clubs and would like to gather some other golf club owners in a nice gathering to show this “gentleman” what kind of justice a golf club can inflict.

Arm & Hammer Spin Brush. Ten dollars and I buy rechargeable batteries so I don’t have to throw out double A’s. When I find the brush heads on sale for half price, I stock up.

Arm & Hammer Spin Brush. Ten dollars and I buy rechargeable batteries so I don’t have to throw out double A’s. When

Oh, I clearly remember that guy from Delaware. I’ve had my own experiences, too. I’ve never liked them. And since I have a pre-existing condition from adolescence and had elderly parents, I’ve seen my share of creeps, racists and out and out inept. I’ve found two that are pretty good and I pray they live a long time.

“A doctor should be trusted above just about any other professional.” I’m afraid that there are more like this guy out there. More than anyone want to realize.

I can vouch for the ox tails and whole chicken. I hate cooking but do it to have control over what I eat and to also have leftovers. The whole chicken thing was like some kind of sorcery. Only used a cup of water. Put the chicken on the rack and rubbed it with salt and pepper. Squeezed a lemon over it and put in the

I would watch that all day long. As it is, my husband watches cooking shows and I’ll stay in the kitchen and watch really old sitcoms and movies. This would bring us in the same room for a longer period.

She’s the only guest on SNL that I’ve watched their whole opening speech, or whatever you call it, and actually laughed. Most of the time I’ll just make a bathroom break or fast forward, and come back for the rest of the show.

Don’t forget bed bugs in the seats.

I’d like to know how she became governor of Alaska (did she know what a governor does) and why she resigned.

...and she seems really sharp, too. I’ve read where she’s been a vegetarian for over 30 years.

And being a pedant is an option as well.

The original was hella better than the remake. I don’t care if all of them were sexist ass hats or not. I saw the first remake and wondered wtf were they doing? When the “femi-nazi” version comes out i’ll damn sure see it in the theater. These are some of the same guys who probably thought, “ Oh my god!!! You can’t

Awesome movie, too.

Wow, I didn’t know everyone had to do the same thing.

Thank you so much for posting this! Never heard of her and she’s fascinating as all hell.

She is the only guest on SNL that I can think of that I actually not only watched the whole into, but laughed my ass off. Plus, if you survive any time at all in foster care, you are one bad ass mother fucker.

Every Middle Eastern region cooks differently and every Middle Eastern family’s food is different from another somehow. I know some Lebanese that put garlic cloves in their pot of grape leaves as well as tomatoes. Not the way our families do it but wtf?

I haven’t cleaned my oven in well over 15 years. I’m 4'11" and my arms don’t reach the back especially now that my shoulders have become uncooperative. I asked my husband to do it and that didn’t happen. Don’t do the top of the range hood because I can’t see it. If the man is in the kitchen when I’m feeling

No need to be ashamed. You’re putting a dry product in a dry container. Same with flour containers. Unless I see weevils, that thing is not going to get washed.