
I just use city water and occasionally clean the humidifier with white vinegar and a rag/paper towel. Also, I use a cheap vaporizer instead-when I get my hands on one-because they don’t need as much babying and they’re a lot cheaper and does the same thing.

That must be what this blind item is about:

Saw a documentary where a cannibal was asked what human tasted like. He said that pig was really good but human was off the chain. My words not his. But that’s the way it came across to me.

Yeah I didn’t use my fan for years because of the noise, too. Once I started using it again, I couldn’t believe the change it made. The candles didn’t have to work quite as “hard.”

I use a stove hood fan and if you don’t have that, get out about 4 scented candles. My house is pretty big but it has a radiator heat system, so that means if you make coffee you get that delicious smell upstairs. It also means you get bacon, sautéing whatever, and you get the rest. So cooking with candles is what I

Omg! I remember when that came out. Thanks for the memories!

That’s wonderful advise. I’ll give that to my 4 year old nephew that likes to ask 14 year old girls to sit with us while we get ice cream.

Don’t forget bedbugs! And with a little bit of solar you can boondocks wherever.

I gave my sister-in-law a bottle of homemade bathtub and sink cleaner. It was half Dawn and half white vinegar. She swore by it as a pretreater for her sons dirty clothes as well as a pots and pans scrubber.

I think it might be the feed and there’s no water added to the organic one.

I knew a woman who lived in a very wealthy suburb of Toledo, Ohio. After their youngest graduated high school, they sold their house and got the hell out of there. The upside was they had no trouble selling the house and I would guess they got more for it than they paid. Not so for those of us that stayed in town.

My mother in law always made turkey for every Thanksgiving and I hated it. (I didn’t grow up eating it for the holidays.) One Thanksgiving she bought an organic one-it was on sale-and the taste difference was huge. Usually I hate the “turkey” smell and taste, but this was great. So, I would definitely shell out the

It appears that this dad and 3000 other people in Utah, have big problems with their “root chakra.”

I worked with a woman who would see a wedding band she liked and buy it for herself. I thought that was cool as hell.

Husband and I were together over 20 years before we made it legal. Before that, I used to say that “I can’t mate in captivity.” I think that was a Steinem line. But that “honest woman/man” line is cringeworthy indeed.

Okay, I like her table linens at Walmart but can’t stand to watch her show-my husband is the cooking-show-watcher. But here’s someone who might put it a little bit better than I about why some people have a problem with her.

First of all it should have been “they’re” and if we have a holiday dinner this year, come on down!

I think separate bedrooms are more common than people think.

Wine, hell! For a few holidays, we had all kinds of hard liquor and mixers and nobody drank. Not beer, not wine, nothing. I can’t take these people while their sober.

My husband and I watch different shows. So while I clean up after dinner, I can put on what I want and even look at the paper. I used to joke that separate tv’s saved my parents marriage. Truth in humor.