Omg, I loved that clip. It turns out that Weinstein isn’t the only one that can act all ugly.
Omg, I loved that clip. It turns out that Weinstein isn’t the only one that can act all ugly.
Been many years ago and I can’t remember where I read it, but during the filming of Marathon Man, Hoffman was jogging like mad before a scene and Lawrence Olivier asked him, “Why can’t you just act?”
I grew up with my grandmother making rice on the stove in a big pot plus a lot of Middle Eastern dishes have rice cooked into them. So, I’m thinking what kind of fools need a machine to cook rice? Found one (Aroma brand) with a stainless steel insert and gave it a try-I like gadgets. Wow, it sautes the rice with…
I admire your restraint. We’re the kind to buy those 10 lb. and up bags of rice. But then, we’re not exactly petite, either.
People outside of the entertainment industry, I can see not hearing rumors, etc. But people in the industry I’m sure as hell knew about Spacey and Weinstein and a whole lot of others for a long long time.
I’ve read stuff about Spacey and I’m an old lady living in the midwest. A friend of mine sends me stuff from DataLounge and I read and there’s a ton of stuff about Spacey and Weinstein. Of course it’s all “gossip/rumor.”
Maybe her chin implant-I think she’s had one and that’s enough for me-and her alleged Botox has put her thinking cap askew?
An old frail guy that used to buy beer at the corner store I worked at, showed me his handy dandy cane. The handle was gnarled and he had hollowed out enough to fill it with molten lead. That way when he swung it and it hit there was more of and “effect.”
Love your username!
Been making my own deodorant for 2 years now. I make it a habit to smell my t-shirts after I take them off in the summer to see if the stuff is working. Also, the Mr. says it does.
I believe they do. I need the extra on top, so haven’t paid too much attention to the pants even though I’m a 16 in them now. Not all of the stores carry the petite plus so it’ll be an online order depending on where you are.
I also loved her hair.
I’m 4'11" and they have petite plus sizes in tops. They should get a medal just for that.
My god! That’s entitlement coupled with being a sociopath.
It was chilly today and found organic chicken legs 20% off as well as fresh mozzarella at 40% off. So I had to make this recipe
The best non homemade salad we ever had was at The Grand Lux Cafe in Las Vegas. It was called Manhattan salad and we would fantasize about flying there for one.
Also, some of us don’t react well to edibles. I’ve made caramels out of shake butter and brownies out of bud butter. The caramels were strong enough but the brownies pretty much induced eventual paranoia unless I went to sleep. In the words of Snoop Dog, “Edibles ain’t got no off button.”
That face looks as if Katherine Hepburn got blackout drunk everyday while pregnant and out popped Me-Again Kelly.
I think her parents are her problem and if she’s anything like them then I don’t know if there’s hope. Rehab and prayer is about all that I can think of for her.
And the thumping bunions under those too small shoes.