
He was armed. The 911 called reported that and he fled when the cops were to search him. Have some empathy to his victim also. The cop tells him three times “Hands up” when he is running but he reaches for his waist. Was he trying to pull the weapon or just keep his pants from falling. We do not know but the cops do

He had just committed an armed robbery. The victim could identify the gun as a Glock. When police said they wanted to search them for guns, his pal looked at him pointing that he had the  gun and he ran. Cops knew that almost certainly he had a gun. While running his hands reached his pants. This is interpreted by

He covered the tattoos when he committed the robberies.

Nice troll, having a gun is legal. Committing armed robbery is not. The police was resposiding to a 911 call where the suspects were described. The firt thing De’Von’s pal said was “I did not touch him.” This is a comic book like mistake. There is a reaon cops say “you have a right to be silent.”

Of course it was a homicide. It means just that a human kills another. It was clearly justified. The victim described that the robbers had a gun with high accuracy (he said it was definitely a Glock). hen the cops confronted them and said they wanted to search them for weapons, De’Von’s pal implicated De’Von with his

How about causing the death of ten million. Gavrilo Princip did that. Because he was under 20 he was not given a death sentence. He murdered the crown prince and started a world war. Can there be any more severe crime?

Do you realize that what you wrote is racist as hell?

Whitesplain? Please do not say you are not a racist. You ignore him because of his race. What would you say if someone used the word “blacksplained” to dismiss what a black man said? The black man tailgated in when Cukor opened the door. In many buildings one is explicitly told to prevent that even by calling 911. You

Having more guns makes it safer as that discourages the suspect from doing something. The idea is not to have some fair fight with the suspect. The cops did not know he was unarmed. He did not just loosely resemble the suspect. He was pointed by the staff and he is charged for the crime along with an accessory so he

So you think blacks are below whites? On interracial crime between blacks and whites blacks are the perpetrators 86% of the time. That is seldom classified as hate crine though as there is some other motive like rape or robbery. So if you knock someone unconscious because he is white, it is hate crime, but if you also

What if I invented names like Jamal for black people. Inventing such names is racist. If you see suspicious activity, it is good to call cops. They have means to check if it is his car. Just recently a black man in Florida died because someone decided to interfere on illegal activity himself. Calling cops prevents

First the Damore memo was not an anti-diversity memo but a pro-diversity memo as he proposed non-discriminatory means to make the work more attractive to women. The fact that men and women are different is in indisputable fact. Men just are inherently more interested in technology. Sure there are plenty of exceptions

So if I take a taxi to somewhere where I kill someone else, the taxi driver should be responsible?

He was involved in burglaries where his pal shot at cops and cops fired back. I do not like felony murder laws but they are in the books in Alabama. Yes, IMO that was unjust but I have no say in the laws of Alabama. I cannot see how this is related. Even if the sentence in Alabama was based on racism how is this

Well all you need to look at the Antwon Rose case. The driver on that case was not even charged. Robbery and Home-invasion (burglary) are MRS. BAKER felonies so felony murder laws apply. You do not need to know they were going to be convicted for murder. Assault is not so even if the driver knew they were going to

Welcome to bizarro world criticizing racism is now racism . Soon you are a racist if you do not beat random white people. Sorry, but I do no tale at face value that they were satirical. She has to prove that she is not a racist: speak against affirmative action, Black lives matter etc.

She is the racist here.  If someone said same things about black people, you would be the first to condemn and demand firing. Well you would demand his firing even if he was flipping burgers at McD.

How was he provoking fights? Saying that one should not abuse handicap parking spaces is not provoking a fight unless you think blacks are inherently violent.

Trayvon Martin confronted George Zimmerman when the latter was turning to his car. Martin attacked Zimmerman and meat his head to the pavement. Zimmerman defended with his legal firearm. Stand your ground was not an issue as he had no way to flee as Martin was on his top trying to kill him.

Yeah, criminals do not listen your demonstrations. You should demand more policing of black neighborhoods.