
Black on black crime surely is an issue. Blacks commit violent crime at 5-10 times the rate whites do. Young blacks have ten times the risk of being killed as whites of the same age have. One out of three black men will be incarcerated during his life. For white men it is one on seventeen.

Statistical differences between groups are facts, not prejudices. They come prejudices when you unfairly associate them to a member of group. This is what the paper argued against. That men are more interested in tech is a fact. However if you think that an individual job applicant at Google is not interested in tech

Those are just facts. Sure one can challenge them like any claims of facts. In this case Google did more. They fired him.

Who has said so. The issue is that men and women are statistically different. This explains why there are more men in tech and more women in education and nursing. It does not mean that any individual woman is worse than a man in any field, let alone worse as a person.

He proposes alternative programs to increase diversity. That makes it pro-diversity. Opposing certain discriminatory programs does not mean one opposes what is aimed with the programs.

So you are blaming the victim for the fact that the blacks steal. Nobody is forced to steal, it is a choice. I do not see why the owner should see him as same group of “immigrants” as the thieves are. Maybe he seems himself as a hard working person and the thieve as thieves. Maybe he just does not see Australians as