
The way I look at it is pretty much one of the two is maybe incremental progress, and the other is sliding into ISIS-topia... and there are really only two options. You can change either from within, but you’re probably going to have more success with one than the other. Thats the unfortunate reality of a two-party

True, though we need to keep in mind that this turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy if everyone dislikes the GOP but won’t vote in unison- we create a world in which the Democratic party (being the entity with enough national recognition to make motions opposite to the right wing) can never win, and one we can

So only radical change is acceptable and anything short of that will end up in a fragmented left wing base? Why not have more people run for local and state offices to maintain a power base? This would require ideological flexibility to achieve though, which may be unpalatable to the “Earn my vote!” crowd.

Maybe the solution is to find someone who has spots that the voters don’t care about. Easier to do for the right wing though.

I feel like thats what we get when only one side cares about working in good faith.

God I can already hear the cries, “But but, my vote must be EARNED! To heck with my friends who are women or minorities... I must be pandered to!”

This is whats so endlessly frustrating. They waiver and express reservations, but then vote lock-step. While everyone else is eating each other over purity.

No matter when they do it, that person will be endlessly attacked for not being “pure” enough or having voted for something slightly uncomfortable in the past. I’m afraid we’re going to hear a new wave of “Well they need to put up better candidates if they want MY vote! I’ll teach them a lesson...” no matter who it

All they’ve talked about for 20 years is how much they hate the government and people are surprised when they get in power and immediately start dismantling it.

Anytime anyone asks why California has such strong gun laws, we should remember that this is basically why.

Apparently he does prefer to get his news from tech blogs, so maybe.

*also may require hardware upgrades

The “public” meaning specific employees and people directly related to Tesla. The actual “shipping to the public” stage is yet to come, but they can say they already launched it now.

At this point, Tesla is the brand of the car your landlord or boss drives.

If its the EA of cars, they’ll excitedly jump on you for modding.

Next step- doing it for almost a year around the moon- outside the Earth’s magnetic field. I’m sure Peggy would be down for a stay around the Moon in the Deep Space Gateway!

They cut each other’s hair-at the minimum, you need someone to hold the vacuum cleaner! (Since it must be sucked away immediately). From what I understand, the toilets are pretty straightforward, with attachments for both genders. They’ll be testing a new generation of lavatories up there too for deep space

They cut each other’s hair-at the minimum, you need someone to hold the vacuum cleaner! (Since it must be sucked away immediately). From what I understand, the toilets are pretty straightforward, with attachments for both genders. They’ll be testing a new generation of lavatories up there too for deep space

Pretty much this. In the near-future, astronauts will also return to splashdowns for Orion and Crew Dragon, with Starliner flights landing in the Utah desert on airbags.

They’ll need to make sure that the road rebuilding efforts are fully-funded too. Just to be safe.