
At this point, he’s probably a concern troll/sealion either bored and looking for reactions or laughing at getting people to admit being moral human beings. In any case, the one real value he holds is apparently property is absolutely more important than life in all circumstances.

Never underestimate the power of the Just World fallacy. “Only bad things happen to bad people” is disturbingly contagious.

But then they’ll be called racists all the time! And we all know that there is nothing more hurtful to white people than that...

To be fair, Episode 1 has a lot of physical model effects and Episode 3 was when CG started really being able to do what was being asked of it. Episode 2 does... not hold up at all really on the FX front- and I remember being so blown away by it when it came out.

The difference being, the rich have the power to force their views on others.

How the heck do you even get into that? I’ve been looking for years and nothing is ever covered by plans or anything. It seems to almost all be “no plans accepted, get out your wallet” places or services.

Well... some of us do, just by being who we are. Whole rainbow and all that.

Yellow Kapton tape actually, usually used on sensitive surfaces.

White Orion and black Orion are out- the spacecraft will now have its tiles covered with a reflective metallic coating to keep things cool

Yep. You live to work for him, you don’t work for him to live.

Shortage of workers or shortage of people willing to do the job for the given wage?

“Economic Anxiety” is becoming a dog-whistle just like everything else. I’ve seen it used so so many times to indicate “well if the liberals would just stop supporting minorities and make white people feel superior, maybe they’d win more!”

Now its just a matter of time until they realize that Trump is the only one to whom this stuff doesn’t stick...

As a long-time Bungie fan who tuned out when it was revealed that Destiny was an massively-multiplayer title... I hope they manage to do something single-player focused one day again. (Probably too much to hope for though)

A more powerful government helped me get back on my feet when I was down and become a productive, healthier tax-paying person later.

Already starting today.

Its a study, they’re not saying they’re doing this for sure. More of a “Well, thats... interesting, we’ll get back to you on that.”

Or for the vacation. Its just kind of... mandatory unpaid time off.

Its the far more insidious possibility. Its unofficial and only requires the authorities to look the other way, while our leaders wink and hint at what “should be done.” Showing up at the door of their target in the middle of the night, they’re sending the message that “there is nobody to help you.” before they even

The fear there is one I remember from election night, that taking a break might make the inevitable avalanche of bad news even more of a sickening surprise.