Rintarou Okabe

I desperately need to know how these are made

The enemy’s gate is DOWN

Yeah, when I read “eating an Antelope goes horribly wrong” I assumed the antelope had antlers that punctured the snake after it was swallowed or as it was being vomited back up so they both wound up dead. Just barfing up a big lunch and being captured but not killed is an annoying outcome, not “horrible”.



It looks like they catch him afterwards, so the snake’s the one who lost twice.

If you disgorge an antelope, does that mean it’s a cantaloupe?

I’m Yoruba , my last name is Odeyale and as soon as I saw her name I knew that this was an amazing thing, there’s Russian, German, Japanese and many more countries involved in overwatch and other games, I love those countries and their cultures but to see a character based on my culture is just heart warming and

Didn’t expect Nintendo to showcase their system with an old out of date game? Lol. Must be new here.

Portable Skyrim. I was very excited to see that.

“See you later savages.”


Missed the obvious troll:

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.

Neither does cheating on your wife if you never tell her, but you’ll know.

is DVA in this game too or

So Assassin.

It’s all true!

An entire article about how good it feels to steal in games. Does not mention MGSV once...It’s a Goddamn Stealing Simulator!

They couldn’t afford him.