
Why Didn’t Nicky just grab the kid and jump out of the boat holding him. I know he was high but the kid did not know English so what was the point of telling him to get out. Also part of it was the kid’s mothers thought for not watching him and telling him not to go with strangers. 

And it was so nice of him to offer to pay for it. Oh, no, that’s right, he just took it and didn’t even think about paying for it. 

Yeah—all things considered, I think they handled the storyline (so far) better than I expected. I certainly found it more interesting than following Randall’s campaign trail.

OK, I know this is a standard TV/movie thing, and one This is Us has done before, but don’t tell someone you’re not going to travel with them or

I have disliked Kate from the very beginning; I’ve always found her incredibly selfish and whiny. She never takes anyone else’s feelings into account with anything she does. Her daddy made her think she could do absolutely no wrong when she was young and that was something that unfortunately stuck with her. My dislike

i will say Kevin can do virtually no wrong in my eyes, and I’m a straight married male. He’s so dang charming...even when he’s doing something awful.

It really is just Parenthood with the whole going back and forward shtick. They also are going to run out of storylines for Jack pretty soon. I would like someone to tell one of the three especially Kate to stop going on about their dead dad. At least they had a good one alot of people can’t claim that. I am also tired

Also hard to believe that Kate never asked Toby about his room full of toys in their entire time together? He never told her how important they were? 

The first half of season 3 had two of the best episodes of the show...but after the mid-season finale and this, I think I’m done.

I need every review of this show to come with a disclaimer from now on.

We’ve been providing these kinds of notes to readers for years — it’s an easy way to give a head’s-up to readers who might want it, and it doesn’t interfere with the review itself, or with readers who just want to jump right in. It’s a misconception that partner abuse is only physical, and for anybody who is or has

I can’t believe how that scene was written. It seemed so out of character for Randall and Beth. It just didn’t feel right, especially in 2018.

See I thought that in a drug-induced haze, Nicky had set explosives on a Vietnamese villager’s fishing boat and accidentally wound up killing a fellow American soldier. Of course this possibility would have to include a way for him to re-enter the United States (eventually using his real name and having a physical

I work at a public school.  Here at least, you have to have a bachelor’s to sub.  The only way I can think this storyline was realistic was that Madison told the principal about Kate, who then called her in to interview casually as a long-term sub, and just assumed she’d have the 4-year degree.

This show makes such an effort to show diverse characters in all walks of life (age, race, size, sexuality, etc) except for financial IMO. Sure we’ve got William and his neighbors, but I don’t think the show’s doing much of a job portraying income issues all in all. With William the storyline was (rightfully so) on

Your are correct! “We love you no matter what” is what you say to your kid when you find out they got arrested for drugs and you want to be supportive, it is NOT what you say when they come out.  

Yes!  I was screaming HUG HER at the TV. 

Yeah, super awkward. The “we love you no matter what” in this context always sounds like the child has made some mistake that the parents are willing to overlook or something. Why not just say that liking girls and/or boys is okay and give her a hug?

What a clunker. Randall is being written in a way that completely contradicts the first two seasons of his actions to manufacture drama with Beth and his family (that scene with Tess was fucking ridiculous and angering). This politics storyline has absolutely killed what was one of the two big reasons to watch the

Yeah, I was actually struck by how, uh, horror-ish the climax of this episode. Between the setting, the weather, and the atmosphere, I thought it was a great change of pace from the usual.

Completely agree about Beth & Randall’s reactions. Your preteen daughter is crying and coming out, telling you she’s had physical pains over keeping it a secret, has been so scared and confused - you fucking hug her!!